12 Most Attractive Boyfriend Looks That Ji Chang Wook Thankfully Blessed Us With

Let Ji Chang Wook “heal” your heartbreak with his best “boyfriend looks” today.

Actor Ji Chang Wook recently starred in a new drama Backstreet Rookie which showed his natural charms as he acted as an adorable convenience store manager who’s well-loved by many.

And because a popular trend nowadays is fans thinking of their Korean idols as their imaginary “boyfriends”, here’s one focusing on Chang Wook’s boyish visuals and gentlemanly boyfriend vibes:

1. Getting ready to pick you up for a picnic

2. Sending you a cute selfie as a peace offering

3. Hiking in the morning with him

4. Preparing to get a couple’s massage at the local spa

5. Bringing out his guns — can you see both of them in this picture?

6. Greeting you a happy birthday with your favorite bouquet

7. Focusing on his woodwork, so you snapped a candid picture of him

8. “When will you pick me up”, you ask. “In five minutes,” he says

9. After ordering coffee, you went back to your table and found him doing this

10. Remember when he first asked you out and got his friends to help him?

11. Sending you a selfie before he starts working

12. When you asked him what he liked about the view, he pointed at you

Can’t get enough of Ji Chang Wook? Check out the next article below to find more news about him and his new drama:

International Fans Love The Chemistry Between Ji Chang Wook And Kim Yoo Jung In “Backstreet Rookie” — Despite Their Significant Age Gap

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