12 BTS Songs That Feature Big Hit’s Female Producer ADORA

Can you hear the hidden vocals?

Have you ever wondered who the female vocal was in BTS’s songs? Adora is the first female producer at Big Hit Entertainment and is usually featured in many of BTS’s songs. She began her career at Big Hit in 2016 with BTS’s album Wings. Here’s a list of some of the tracks she has participated in.

1. 134340

2. Epiphany

3. Seesaw

4. Daydream

5. Home

6. Jamais Vu

7. Euphoria

8. Airplane Pt. 2

9. Magic Shop

10. Scenery

11. Serendipity

12. I’m Fine

Below is a list of songs she participated in composing:

• Wings


Am I Wrong

Spring Day

Not Today


• Her

Best Of Me

• Face Yourself

Intro: Ringwanderung



Love Maze

Magic Shop

So What

• Answer




• Persona: Map Of The Soul


Jamais Vu

Can you hear her hidden vocals in these songs? What other songs can you hear Adora’s vocals in?


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