20 Of The Most Relatable Fan Reactions To “Hospital Playlist”‘s Season Finale — And Honestly, Can You Blame Them?

Any IkSong shippers out there? We feel you! 😝

tvN‘s Hospital Playlist just released their season finale this May 28 and avid fans of the show couldn’t help but express their reactions by turning to social media platform Twitter.

Here are 20 of the most relatable reactions yet — and there are spoilers below, so don’t say we didn’t warn you!

1. And the best in cinematography goes to…

2. Such an artistic embrace

3. They’re not just actors: they’re complete performers, too

4. Your friends should be your greatest cheerleaders

5. Different types of romantic love in the show

6. And this is why this drama will always be in our hearts

7. Sweet things are made of this

8. Raise your hand if you’ve seen this ship coming a mile away!

9. Mothers know best, after all

10. In love, you have to take calculated risks

11. Same, why, oh why?

12. *shares our inhaler with you*

13. Get yourself a friend for life

14. They’ve accidentally made a new family of their own

15. She was the song that only he could sing

16. He’s giving her a year to reflect — get it?

17. One of the best dramas in 2020, definitely!

18. Be right back, ugly sobbing right now

19. Mama Rosa, you’re the real MVP

20. We’re supporting all of you!

Hospital Playlist isn’t the only Korean drama that made waves this 2020 — another notable drama that viewers love watching is The King: Eternal Monarch. Read the next article below to find out about the famous “neck kiss” scene in the drama that trended all over Korea:

10+ Most Relatable Fan Reactions To The “Neck Kiss” Scene In “The King: Eternal Monarch” Episode

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