HyunA And Dawn’s 5+ Most UwU Moments That Will Restore Your Faith In True Love

Romance of the century, everyone.

With HyunA and Dawn staying open about their relationship on their social media accounts and now on national TV programs like Knowing Bros, more K-Pop fans are referring to them as the most iconic and game-changing couple in the industry. These two brave hearts are not afraid to show that they’re in love — and fans are all here for it! Check out these 5+ times HyunA and Dawn created lovey-dovey moments that are so UwU that they will restore your faith in true love.


1. HyunA Making What’s Official Even More Official

No one is over the way HyunA said, “I’m here with my boyfriend.” She did that on national television. If she ain’t the queen…!


2. Dawn Letting HyunA Know He Got Her Back

When HyunA got nervous talking about the relationship, Dawn let her know he was there. Fans can’t handle him sweetly and gently placing his hand on her back.


3. HyunA Fangirling At Dawn’s Push-Ups

You see his toned butt?

— HyunA

HyunA made sure the world saw Dawn’s apple hips by pointing it out like a real fangirl.


4. Dawn Letting HyunA-Potato Win

Once he rolled over to his defeat, Dawn claimed to have tried his best — but viewers know very well he clearly wanted HyunA to win this.


5. HyunA Finding Solace Behind Dawn’s Shoulders

Whenever things got a little steamy, HyunA hid behind Dawn — like she knows she’s the safest there. That’s true love.


6. Dawn Doing The Bubble Pop Butt Wiggle

When HyunA playfully made him do the “Bubble Pop” dance, he didn’t back down from the challenge. Whatever it takes to make her happy, right?

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