5 Korean Celebrities Who Messed Up Big Time Due To Their Inappropriate Comments

Number 4 called a 15-year-old a prostitute.

Korean celebrities have to be careful about what they say, as netizens will criticize them for saying anything slightly negative. There have been many Korean celebrities who faced major backlash due to their comments. Here’s a list of a few Korean celebrities who messed up big time due to their inappropriate comments.

1. Jaejoong (JYJ)

At the end of March, Jaejoong shocked everyone when he announced that he had contracted the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

I have contracted Coronavirus.

It was careless of me to live disregarding all of the cautions provided by the government and those around me.

Just how big could one individual’s behavior impact all of society be…

I am sorry to those who could have been infected by me.

The stupid judgments I made, it’s how I became like this. I lived thinking it would never happen to me.

I am currently hospitalized.

I currently feel grateful and apologetic, reflecting on my past.

There are so many things I want to say…

There are so many people I want to see…

— Jaejoong

However, the very next day, Jaejoong announced that it was an April Fools joke and that he had never contracted the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

There are many people around us that we love.

What if a person you love or a person precious to you was infected with a virus?

That’s something that is just heartbreaking.

Despite that, there are still so many people who are wandering the streets, acting as if nothing will happen to them. Many people are worried that their families and loved ones can get sick because of those people. Thinking that you and people around you will just be safe, that’s a mistake and it can cause a lot of damage.

Right now, many of my close acquaintances and staff are seeing increases in Coronavirus confirmations around them too. This is not just some faraway story.

I don’t think that seeing your fears come reality due to carelessness is just something you can cry and get over with.

Let’s just remain alert. And engrave it into our hearts, the situation.

This prank was too much to be considered a simple April Fool’s Day joke, but many people expressed their worry for me in a short time.

Ha… I don’t think this post is an April Fool’s Joke. My family or my friends can be hurt… or die… but never!! [That’s what people think.] It’s not just something that happens to others. I wanted to tell everyone that protecting yourself is the solution to protecting those precious to you.

I will accept all punishments that I deserve for this post.

I hope everyone stays healthy.

— Jaejoong

This didn’t end well for Jaejoong, as he got highly criticized by both Korean and Japanese netizens for his inconsiderate “joke”. Jaejoong ended up having to cancel all of his activities in Japan due to the amount of backlash he was facing.

2. Jang Mi In Ae

When South Korean President Moon Jae In announced his urgent disaster support policy that would provide financial aid to low-income families, actress Jang Mi In Ae was not a fan of it. She made multiple posts on her Instagram account, expressing her frustration.

This is so annoying. Korea doesn’t have that kind of money. You gave our land away to someone else, too, didn’t you? Are you really a government that saves the citizens? What’s the worth of that 1 million won? Whenever I see the news, I go crazy with rage.

— Jang Mi In Ae

The actress got heavily criticized by netizens due to her statement. However, Jang Mi In Ae didn’t hold back on her remarks and stood by her position.

Freedom of speech. #HellJoseon. I’m going to live my life while taking advantage of my human rights. This is my life. These times might be harder than IMF, but I’m going to work even harder so that I can withstand it.

— Jang Mi In Ae

Jang Mi In Ae ended up retiring as an actress due to all of this.

In light of the entire world going through this crisis, why are Koreans suddenly having a hard time? I didn’t understand why they’re suddenly giving citizens support from tax payers’ money, when it’s not even going to make a difference. After this, taxes will just go up, and I couldn’t keep my frustration to myself, which is why I uploaded that post. I don’t understand why Korea is doing this ahead of the general election. I’m just going to go my way. I didn’t know political remarks can be so sensitive and how much hate I could get as a result. I’m so sick of this. And to those who asked me if I donate, I do as much as I can. I’ve donated as much as I could given my finances. I feel foolish for worrying about my fellow citizens. I will no longer be active in Korea as an actress.

— Jang Mi In Ae

3. Hwayoung (Former member of BOYS24)

Hwayoung came under fire when a leaked audio clip was released online, and he was heard making negative comments about his fans.

I like being called oppa, not when I hear it from fans though, I fucking hate that. Ya, Fuck. It’s so annoying when we do the Hi-Touch.

You know, the Hi-Touch? Like when you hold hands and greet fans after the concert is over. Everyday I go through like 700~800 people and I feel like I’m going to puke.

— Hwayoung

Hwayoung got highly criticized for his derogatory comments about his fans, and he ended up getting kicked out of BOYS24.

4. Park Dong Geun

Gagman Park Dong Geun faced major criticism when he made some inappropriate comments towards Buster‘s Chaeyeon.

Park Dong Geun: You’re just so-so. Your breath smells like Listerine.

Chaeyeon: Right now [it does]?

Park Dong Geun: You’re a sterilized bitch.

Chaeyeon: Haha.

Park Dong Geun: Hani, you must be happy~ For being on broadcast with Boni~ Boni is handsome and nice~ But you…

Chaeyeon: What kind of response do you want to hear…?

Park Dong Geun: You are, you are a Listerine sterilized bitch.

Chaeyeon: A sterilized… what?

Park Dong Geun: A sterilized bitch.

Chaeyeon: Bitch?

Park Dong Geun: Heh bitch? Nyanchu~ (appears to be some kind of slang).


What made his comments even worse was that he called Chaeyeon a “Listerine sterilized bitch”, which comes from Korean red light district slang, where it means that prostitutes would rinse out their mouths with Listerine before performing oral sex on a customer. The sterilized part refers to how their mouths would be cleaned before performing their acts.

Buster’s Chaeyeon

While there was a statement made by EBS on how Park Dong Geun was just “joking” about the comments, netizens weren’t pleased with the “apology”. EBS President Kim Myung Joong eventually had to step in due to all the backlash Park Dong Geun was receiving, and announced that Park Dong Geun was going to get suspended.

5. Kemy (A.KOR)

When A.KOR debuted in 2014, they were involved in controversy right away. That’s because member Kemy released a diss track targeting Park Bom.

Park Bom

At the time, Park Bom was making headlines due to her drug scandal, where she was caught smuggling amphetamine tablets from the United States. While amphetamine is legal in the United States, it’s illegal in Korea. Despite Park Bom showing medical proof of her long history with the prescription medication, she still received major backlash from netizens.

Park Bom

Kemy took many shots at Park Bom, such as saying that she got off easy due to her company and that her face was “ruined” due to plastic surgery. This didn’t end well for A.KOR, as their image took quite the hit, and they never recovered from this incident.

Your bloated, swollen face.
You’re not satisfied no matter what you put in it
You’re going to become an old person next to an ugly child
You drag your entire body and slap it onto your face
You’re at the point of addiction, “STOP IT!”
X? O? The answer is X, toxic
Someone call the doctor, someone stop her

— Kemy

Here’s the full diss track below.

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