5 Real-Life References You May Have Missed In MAMAMOO’s Boss AF “Hip” MV


MAMAMOO recently made their comeback with their second full album reality in BLACK and title track “HIP”, which dropped on November 14. Now that everyone’s had time to recover from this amazing comeback, here’a list of 5 things you may have missed in their MV!


1) Main message: Self love, Empowerment And Dissing Their Haters

This track and MV serves as both a diss track to their haters as well as a song about self love and empowerment, with MAMAMOO telling their fans that they “love you, no matter what you say”.

Hwasa‘s lyrics also instruct her fans to stop worrying about what people say, and love yourselves!

There’s only one you in the world,

But why are you spitting on your face?



2) Hwasa’s Many Controversies Regarding Her Airport Fashion

Hwasa has hit headlines multiple times for her fashion being deemed “inappropriate”, with K-Netizens raising issues about them because they believe she looks “dirty” and “trashy”. But Hwasa’s not one to take criticism lying down! Her lyrics in the song address the constant criticism thrown at her about her fashion choices:

It becomes a controversy, my fashion

I don’t care much, just action


Also in some of Hwasa’s individual scenes, there are shots of her that say “President Hwasa Dressed Ridiculous At The Airport”

Fans take that to be a direct diss at her haters for the no-bra controversy they raised earlier this year, and highlight another diss she throws at her haters regarding her panty-out fashion that caused another controversy.

Stained T-shirt,

Panty sticking out,

Greasy hair, I don’t care.

If I do it, its HIP!



3) They Reference Climate Change And Hint At How Being “Woke” Can Be Just A Trend

In the MV, Wheein is an environmental activist, and joins a protest group to help raise awareness.

This MV is the first one in K-Pop to reference climate change. It also shows Moonbyul and Hwasa at the protest, only stopping by to take pictures. This highlights how people tend to be loud about social issues without actually taking any action, thereby raising questions as to how some individuals “act” woke just to be trendy.


4) Solar Challenges Conservative Society By Giving Representation To Minority Communities

One of Solar‘s many avatars in the MV is a rockstar, and she wears her hair in two different colors while she performs her heart out!

The rockstar persona also performs with a group of drag queens, and lays emphasis on MAMAMOO’s continuous support of the LGBTQ+ community over the years. With the appearance of the drag queens in the MV, the group help give representation to an often marginalized community, thus challenging the conservative ideals of the society that they live in.

5) Moonbyul Flips Gender Stereotypes By Portraying Roles Often Taken By Men

In the MV, there are 3 versions of Moonbyul: a director, a choreographer and a CEO.

The personas she takes on are usually positions of power that are filled by men, and she overturns these gender stereotypes by showing that a woman can do the job as well, and be respected for it too!


With their new song and album, MAMAMOO has gained their first #1 introduction into Billboard‘s “World Digital Song Sales” chart!


Watch the MV here to celebrate!


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