5 Times HyunA Took Off Her Makeup And Nobody Recognized Her

HyunA looks adorable when she’s not wearing her bad*ss stage makeup!

Fans are used to HyunA‘s sexy-fierce, charismatic makeup style so when they spotted HyunA barefaced, they fell in love with her natural beauty! While fans had a bit of difficulty recognizing HyunA with this contrasting image, she nevertheless wowed everyone with her cheerful, carefree look.


1. Blonde & Barefaced

HyunA once arrived to a press photo zone with no make-up, glasses, and wet hair. This casual-comfy style received a lot of attention and love from her fans who don’t get to see this side of HyunA too often.


2. Officially Barefaced Photoshoot

When HyunA tried a natural-themed, makeup-free photoshoot for her album “Babe”, fans became completely enchanted. These black-and-white photos truly capture HyunA’s most natural beauty.


3. Live Cleansing Session

On Hyuna X19, HyunA shared her cleansing routine. At the end of the makeup removal session, she shined in her own natural skin and looked more beautiful than ever.


4. Barefaced Away from Home

HyunA showed off her bare face to the world when she travelled abroad and snapped these pictures on the streets. She looks casual, natural, and absolutely beautiful!


5. At the Tanning Shop

When HyunA took the viewers of Triple H Detective Agency on a tour inside the tanning shop where she receives white tanning care, she looked flawless even without makeup. She looked casual, but naturally gorgeous in her baseball cap!

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