6 Idol Couples That Fans Believed Secretly Dated Eachother In The Past

They had such good chemistry, fans were suspicious something was going on between them.

1. HyunA and Hyunseung

HyunA and Hyunseung matched each other so well that they even had their own subunit “Troublemaker.” The two shared many steamy scenes in their music videos, including several kisses.



Photos of the two holding hands and whispering in each other’s ears at events also sparked rumors that the two could be more than just unit members.


2. IU & Lee Hyun Woo – You and I

After showing their adorable connection through IU‘s MV, the two went on to do several promotions together and seemed to be growing closer and closer. After time, fans suspected they looked like a couple in every appearance they made.



And then there were the photos Dispatch caught of them on what appeared to be a private date. They denied the allegations and claimed they were just friends, but the fans continue to wonder to this day…



3. Super Junior’s Heechul and GFRIEND’s Yerin

Yerin played Heechul’s girlfriend in M&D‘s music video for “I Wish,” which caused rumors about their relationship. Heechul is known to be friends with many female idols, but fans felt they saw something more between him and Yerin.


After seeing photos of the two holding hands and going shopping in a carefree manner, some fans were convinced they were in a real relationship.


4. FT Island’s Hongki and AOA’s Seolhyun

Before she made it big, Seolhyun was featured in FT Island‘s “Severely” music video. Playing Hongki‘s girlfriend, Seolhyun made the role so believable that some fans believed the two were actually a couple!


Fans were also surprised to find out that Seolhyun’s dog is the mom of Hongki’s puppy, showing their unique relationship.


5. ZE:A’s Kevin and 9MUSES’s Kyungri

Many people claimed the trio of Kevin, Kyungri, and 9MUSES‘s Sojin subunit Nasty Nasty would be the next Troublemaker.


While Nasty Nasty had three members, fans couldn’t help but notice the extra attention Kevin seemed to be giving Kyungri and how they looked into each other’s eyes. With such natural physical chemistry, Kevin and Kyungri specifically had some rumors going around about their relationship.


6. 2PM’s Junho and TWICE’s Sana

After fans witnessed their intense onscreen chemistry in Junho‘s music video for “Instant Love”, they couldn’t help but to feel there was something going on between them. The tension in the air during one scene where they almost kissed was especially convincing, especially for Sana’s first acting role since her debut.


Sana also featured in Junho’s Japanese song “Candy” with a narration for the track. With two collaborations in such a short period of time, fans were definitely wondering about Junho’s preference for Sana.

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