7 Western Dramas That Korea Remade Into K-Dramas

Will the “Korean twist” spice up these western dramas to success?

Korean drama producers are putting their bets down with remaking widely successful foreign dramas from the US and UK, as more channels are opening up air time to show K-dramas. As the competition grows fierce to secure viewers with good programs, popular western drama remakes have become highly desirable for attracting viewer attention.


1. Criminal Minds

tvN remade the United States’ CBS’s hit drama Criminal Minds. While the remake featured a high profile casting like actors Lee Joon Gi and Son Hyun Joo, the ratings remained relatively low.


2. The Good Wife

Actress Jeon Do Yeon‘s version of the US series The Good Wife was also a success in Korea. Korean viewers loved the familiar storyline, topped with the cast’s amazing acting.


3. Entourage

While the remake version of HBO’s Entourage featured big name stars like actors Cho Jin Woong and Seo Kang Joon, the show was rated R and didn’t do so well for Korean viewers.


4. Suits

USA Network’s SUITS has been remade to premiere in Korea this week! Viewers anticipate the return of actor Jang Dong Gun and his chemistry with the rising star Park Hyung Sik in this Korean version of the 7-season long super series.


5. Mistresses

OCN’s casting of actress Han Ga In for this remake version of BBC’s popular series Mistresses has gained a lot of attention. Fans look forward to the Korean version Mistress to premiere this weekend.


6. Life on Mars

Scheduled to premiere in June 2018, OCN’s remake version of the BBC channel’s hit Life on Mars will feature popular actors like Jung Kyung Ho and Park Sung Woong.


7. Luther

MBC will be hopping on the remake wagon later this year, when the channel’s drama production team will remake BBC’s hit series Luther. Though details have not been released yet, fans look forward to how the team will interpret the original into the Korean version.

Source: STAR NEWS, News Ade and News1
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