8 Unedited Moments Of TXT’s Yeonjun At The “2022 Melon Music Awards” Showing What He Actually Looks Like IRL

On a scale of 1 to 10, he’s an 11.

TXT were one were of the many K-Pop groups that attended the 2022 Melon Music Awards. Throughout the group’s performance, they stunned fans with their talent and visuals. Yeonjun‘s visuals, in particular, shone bright both on and off the stage, in both edited and unedited photos and videos.

Here are 8 unedited moments from the awards show that show what Yeonjun actually looks like in real life!

1. Low Quality Video, High Quality Man

2. These media shots show off his beautiful unedited skin.

3. These shots honestly look HQ.

4. He’s honestly a work of art.

5. His facial performances while performing are always on point.

6. This moment was too cute.

Yeonjun and Beomgyu were both surprised by unexpected fireworks during the awards show.

7. He looked good on stage while they accepted their award.

TXT won the “Best Performance – Male” award during the show!

8. Even just sitting, he’s serving.

Fans at the show couldn’t help but watch Yeonjun even as he was just sitting.




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