9 Funny Moments When MAMAMOO Enjoyed Teasing Solar A Little Too Much

MAMAMOO likes to express their love in the form of teasing. And they love Solar very, very much.

Solar may be considered the leader of the group and the members of MAMAMOO fully respect her when the time calls for it.

Sometimes, though, the urge to tease their cute “yeba” (pretty but foolish) is too much and they give in to the fun temptation.

After all, when Solar’s reaction is too cute, how can you resist?

With that said, here are nine moments when MAMAMOO members enjoyed teasing Solar a little too much — both on and off the cameras!

1. When the members told her to do a pose

And then completely abandoned her at the last minute.

2. When no one wanted to complete the “heart” pose with her

It didn’t matter that Solar and Wheein were both members of the “angel line”.

3. When they excluded Solar from promoting their song

Look at how squishy she looks like when she was playfully shoved to go to the back.

4. Moonbyul’s reaction when Solar told them to start respecting her

She joked that the conversation was already over.

5. Moonbyul kicking the door to scare her more

Just in case, you know, all the power interruptions and strange noises don’t do the trick.

6. Stoic face when it’s her turn

It’s all fun and bright smiles until it’s Solar’s turn to dance.

7. “Chicken dance”, literally

Moonbyul kept calling her a chicken because of her costume for their song performance.

8. Moonbyul telling her to stay for the fans

She even playfully closed the door to keep Solar from entering.

9. When the members couldn’t keep their hands off of her

Frankly, with an adorable face like hers, who could?




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