7 Times That BTS Shocked ARMYs With Explicit Lyrics

You know it’s getting real when BTS’s members start dropping F bombs!

K-Pop, as a whole, tends to be fairly family-friendly when it comes to lyrics. While there are certainly exceptions, the majority of songs in the music genre don’t have any kind of swearing or explicit words in them.

BTS, however, hasn’t been afraid to get a little spicy with their lyrics a number of different times! The rappers in the group — RM, Suga, and J-Hope — have been particularly bold in this sense, often targeting haters and doubters with their savage quips. Here are 7 songs that BTS wasn’t afraid to get explicit with.

1. All of the Cyphers

RM, Suga, and J-Hope are known to be particular savage in their “Cypher” series, and that includes a fair amount of explicit lyrics aimed at haters. In “Cypher Pt. 1”, RM targets those that criticized him for becoming an idol: “Damn the hip-hop pride, idol rapper? Cut that bullsh*t/ He’s essentially an idol sh*t anyway.”

In “Cypher Pt. 2”, J-Hope claps back at the same kind of people by proudly mentioning how successful he’s been: “My rap is huge, I’ll say right in your ear, f*ck that.”

In the third part of the series, the same theme continues as Suga this time spits back at haters that have tried to tear them down, yet they continue to be successful regardless: “My idiocy that won’t end/ Even if someone tries to try to f*ck me over from the back/ While you guys play around/ We’re going around the world.” 

And finally, in “Cypher Pt. 4”, the lyrics take a different sort of tone as the members decide to ignore the hateful words and criticism and instead focus on themselves, with RM rapping: “Why don’t you change your pattern of talking sh*t about others bae. It’s about to get boring, boring bae/ I’m not hateful of you anymore.”

2. “Whalien 52”

When you first start to listen to “Whalien 52” and the beautiful but solemn sound of the song, you might not expect an F bomb to be dropped. The song compares the group to the 52-hertz whale — the loneliest whale in the world due to its inability to communicate with its own kind — and expresses times when they felt alone and isolated themselves.

Suga, however, comes in with a bit more fire as he insists that he’s fine on his own: “I’ve become completely alone/ It’s a lock that fills sadness/ Someone says, ‘b*stard, you’ve become a celebrity’/ Oh f*ck that! So what?! Nobody remains by my side and I’m fine on my own.”

3. “Do You” (RM solo)

BTS’s group songs aren’t the only ones that have explicit lyrics — in fact, the rappers of the group tend to get a little more bold with their lyrics in their solo songs. RM’s solo, “Do You”, is just one of many songs off of his debut mixtape with cuss words, but it drops a lot of explicit lyrics throughout.

Near the beginning, he spits fire towards people trying to influence others with: “I hate self-help books more than anything in the world/ Bullsh*t telling us to do this or that. They have no backbone and believe other’s words / So that bullsh*t is a bestseller.”

The chorus later on encourages his listeners to be themselves and not let others influence your behavior, repeatedly saying: “Do you (do the f*ck you want).” The song continues on this same note with similar kinds of bold lyrics in the second verse and beyond.

4. “Agust D” (Agust D solo)

By the time Suga dropped his first solo mixtape as Agust D in 2016, fans weren’t too surprised to hear the explicit lyrics within many of the songs, but they were still noteworthy! In the self-titled song “Agust D”, which once again snaps back at hateful people and those who criticized his success, he quips: “Some think it was easy for me to reach my position/ F*ck you, I’m the thorn in the eyes of those hyungs/ Who have no chances of becoming successful.”

He gets even more bold by comparing his success to those same people:  “Try reserving first class/ My seat is business/ Yours is economy, forever behind me kissing my a**.”

5. “INTRO: Never Mind”

In this intro for The Most Beautiful Moment in Life Pt. 2, Suga once again throws shade at the people that tried to keep him from becoming successful, starting off with: “I want to ask the several people who prayed for me to screw up/ Does it seem like my home is going broke, you b*stards?” Later on in the song, he continues to show how little he cares with the iconic: “I don’t give a sh*t, I don’t give a f*ck.”

6. “Daechwita” (Agust D solo)

Suga as Agust D continued his powerful rampage against haters in his second mixtape, D-2, with explicit lyrics throughout the album including the title song, “Daechwita”. At such a high point in his career, it’s even easier now for him to flaunt his success at other artists who doubted him: “I was born as a tiger, at least I’m not a weak like you/ Pathetic f*cks putting on a talent show/ Not gonna lie, what a sh*t show.”

7. “Savage Love” (Jason Derulo & Jawsh 685 with BTS)

Finally, and possibly the most surprising, Jungkook drove fans wild when he joined Jason Derulo and Jawsh 685, along with J-Hope and Suga, in the remix version of the hit song “Savage Love”. In the chorus, which is entirely in English, he croons: “Savage love, did somebody, did somebody break your heart?/ Lookin’ like an angel, but your savage love/ When you kiss me, I know you don’t give two f*cks/ But I still want that.”

Who doesn’t love it when BTS shows they’re not afraid to get a little bold and cocky with their lyrics?


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