BTS World Wide Handsome Jin’s Visuals Shine Even More In The Dark

We love a sexy, charismatic Jin!

We all know BTS’s worldwide handsome Jin maintains his flawless visuals all day every day, but did you know that his visuals become even more prominent in the dark?

Looking at photos of Jin in dark and low light really emphasizes his facial features, making him look like a sexy ice prince.

Even when he’s goofing around, it looks different in low light settings.

Look at that side profile!

His facial features become more prominent when the lighting is dark.

That is also why there are many more legendary GIFs and photos of Jin from American broadcasts, where they use relatively darker lighting than Korean broadcasts.

Here are some photos of Jin under side lighting.

For comparison, here are some moments of Jin under bright lighting.

Although our worldwide handsome Jin looks immaculate under any circumstance, fans can’t help but love to see his ‘ice prince’ side in darker lighting.

Source: theqoo


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