7 Ways BTS’s V Shows ARMY How Much He “Purples” Them

He speaks these words with his whole heart.

BTS‘s has a huge heart, and it’s full of love for his fans. These are just 7 of the many meaningful ways he says “I purple you” to ARMY.


1. “I Purple You”

V coined the phrase “보라해” (borahae) or “I purple you” to show ARMYs how much he loves and trust them. Purple is the last color of the rainbow, “I purple you” means he will trust and love ARMY for a long time.


2. “Winter Bear”

On the 1000 day anniversary of “I purple you’s” creation, V released a surprise English song, “Winter Bear”, and self-directed music video.

Imagine your face

Say hello to me

Then all the bad days

They’re nothing to me

With you

— V, “Winter Bear” lyrics


3. Purple ribbon photoshoot

V included a purple ribbon in this 2018 Dispatch x Naver photoshoot to show his appreciation for ARMY’s purple ribbon project.

In 2018, ARMY created barriers with purple ribbons to prevent BTS from getting mobbed while traveling through airports.


4. Concert talks

Whenever V gets the chance to say “I purple you” in person, he does it. V has said his famous phrase in different languages during BTS’s world tours. His sweet chats with ARMY have given fans treasured memories.


5. Preparing gifts

On April 20, BTS attended Music Core to promote Map of the Soul: Persona. V put together a thoughtful collection of goodies for the fans at the show’s pre-recording. He including a meaningful family photo of BTS, photographs he took…

…and Vitamin C that comes with a cute “Vtamin” sticker.

V also included cards that have been personalized with a “Photo by Vante” text.

His message to ARMYs says, “ARMY I purple you, be healthy, do everything you want to do“.


6. Speaking to fans in their native languages

BTS’s music transcends language barriers, but V still makes an effort to talk to fans in their own language whenever BTS travels.

While in Paris, for example, V said this famous French quote, “Je t’aime plus qu’hier moins que demain”. It means, “I love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow”. 


7. Fan signs

V has earned a reputation for being a king of fanservice because he goes the extra mile to make meet-and-greet events extra special for ARMY.

Hundreds of ARMYs attend BTS’s fan signs, but V makes each one feel like they’re the most precious person in the world.


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