Here’s A Decade Of Suzy’s Unrivaled Visual We’ve Been Lucky To Have In Our Lives

Proudly serving top notch visual since 2010

Suzy, since her debut with Miss A in 2010, has been a sensation in the K-Pop world with her unrivaled beauty. Suzy grew more beautiful with time and fans are grateful to have been blessed with her gorgeousness for a whole decade. Here’s how Suzy changed — or not at all — over the years since she was a teenaged rookie.


1. 2010

Here’s Suzy performing one of the very first stages as a member of Miss A. Everyone noticed the “girl with the bangs” and she immediately became the nation’s favorite “visual”.


2. 2011

Once her beauty boosted her popularity, Suzy was cast for the main role in the K-Drama Dream High that aired in 2011. She may have faced some moderate criticism regarding her acting, but nonetheless she was the face of K-Pop.


3. 2012

By 2012, Suzy received a lot of interest from several movies and dramas. But her appearance as the female lead in “Architecture 101” helped her reputation soar. After this movie, Suzy forever became the “Nation’s First Love”.


4. 2013

Suzy had turned 18 years old (20 years old in Korea) in 2013. As significant as that age is for the Korean audience, she promoted with Miss A and boasted a whole new level of mature-sexy. Many of her fans still refer to this era as her “peak” of all peaks.


5. 2014

By 2014, Suzy was a beloved superstar on stage and on screens. She was claiming her way to becoming the nation’s favorite commercial star as well. Suzy endorsed countless brands and signed deals to represent the hottest companies at the time.


6. 2015

Suzy’s career as a K-Pop idol also flourished over the years as well. In 2015, Miss A released one of their biggest hits, “Only You”. It was this year that Suzy shocked the nation with the news of her romantic relationship with Lee Min Ho.


7. 2016

Suzy was busy in 2016 attending award ceremonies as both a successful idol and a rising star actress. Her visual game was mega-strong for all her public appearances. Everything about Suzy’s style — from hair to clothing — trended all over the country…


8. 2017

… but nothing beats the viral impact of Suzy’s short hairstyle in 2017. With her role in the K-Drama While You Were Sleeping, Suzy boasted her fresh bob haircut — which inevitably led all the Korean women to book appointments at their hair salons too!


9. 2018

By the end of 2017, Miss A had disbanded and so in 2018, Suzy returned to the stage as a idol-turned-actress-turned-solo-artist. She was rewriting her visual history with her extravagant style in each and every “Sober” performance topping the one before. She also briefly dated actor Lee Dong Wook and was the visual couple of the century.


10. 2019

And Suzy, as we know her now, is still drop dead beautiful. Fans can’t help but remain at awe over how — even after a decade — Suzy’s visual hasn’t changed a bit since she debuted as a teenager. Currently, Suzy is charming the Korean viewers with her lead role in the new K-Drama series Vagabond with Lee Seung Gi.

Source: THEQOO


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