11 Most Heartwarming Moments Between EXO And Their Managers

EXO and their managers are a true family.

Everyone already knows that the EXO members have an incredibly strong bond, but they aren’t just close with each other! Every EXO-L knows that their managers and staff members are just as much a part of EXO’s family as they are! While they have plenty of cute interactions together, here are just a few heartwarming moments shared between EXO and their staff that are guaranteed to melt anyone’s heart.


1. The time they performed at their manager’s wedding

If that doesn’t melt your heart, what does?


2. That time Baekhyun got called out for “stealing” all the toilet paper

Baekhyun’s 2018 Halloween costume…


Led one of EXO’s managers to post a hilarious and savage “No wonder there was no toilet paper in the dorm’s bathroom. Put it back!” message in reply.


3. When they were incredibly pumped for Chanyeol’s bowling game


4. That time they were giving out lots of hugs during a concert


5. When Kai and the manager had this cute exchange


6. And this adorable selfie moment


7. When their manager covered a sleepy Suho

At the 2016 Dream Concert, EXO-Ls spotted Suho falling asleep behind the stage and a manager covering the sleepy leader with a blanket!


8. When the manager made sure Kai was fed and Kai repaid the favor

The manager was spotted peeling an orange for the hungry Kai and then the two of them split the tasty treat!


9. When their manager tried to get Sehun to wave to the camera

And then had to haul him away when he decided to dance instead!


10. Or how about the time the dance team gave Chen a round of applause


11. As well as this incredibly cute moment between the dancers and Lay!


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