Just 22 HD Photos From Xiumin’s Fanmeeting Because We Miss Him Already

Just some photos of Xiumin because we love him so much!

On May 7, EXO‘s Xiumin officially enlisted in the military and although it hasn’t been long, we’re already missing him! To soothe everyone’s heart even the tiniest bit, we’ve gathered some pictures from Xiumin’s Xiuweet Time Fanmeeting. 


1. A selfie with Chen


2. The smile we know and love so much!


3. A visual king


4. The sweetest “maknae”


5. His smile is like sunshine on the coldest day


6. And his visuals are so bad for our heart!


7. He loves EXO-L so much


8. And he loves to make fans smile


9. He’s got a heart of gold


10. Those killer visuals can destroy with a single look


11. And when he hits the stage he shines so brightly…


12. There’s no doubt he’s a real-life star


13. He’s angelic…


14. Adorable…



15. And oh so sweet


16. His love for his members knows no bounds


17. And his heart is the biggest in the world!


18. We’re going to need December 2020 to come fast


19. It hasn’t been long but we already miss you so much


20. Stay safe…


21. Stay healthy…


22. EXO-Ls are waiting for your safe return.


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