10+ Of The Funniest ARMY Reactions To BTS And James Corden’s “Late Late Show” Reunion After 2 Years

Got RM right behind us when we say so!

BTS reunited with James Corden on The Late Late Show with James Corden for the first time in two years (in person, that is). And, well, it was entertaining, to say the least. So, here are 10+ ARMY reactions that are funny AF…

1. We’re awake! We’re awake!

2. This is too accurate for words

3. Looks like our boyfriend, does it not?

4. RM wasted no time and called James out!

As he should.

5. Got RM right behind us when we say so

6. None of us are safe

7. Besties

8. You can cut the tension with a knife

9. Jimin do be flexing

10. Savage RM is unstoppable

11. And I oop—

12. BTS in America something else

Watch BTS’s full interview with James Corden below:

Source: Twitter

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