3 Reasons Why JB Is The Best Leader GOT7 Could Have Asked For

In celebration of his birthday 🎉

GOT7‘s beloved leader JB is celebrating his birthday today, January 6, so what better day to shower him with love and appreciation? Among his many accomplishments, he can count being GOT7’s leader as one of the top. Here are 3 reasons why he is the best leader GOT7 could have hoped for!

1. He treats GOT7 like family

Fewer people love GOT7 more than JB does! His fellow members are like brothers to him—they don’t hesitate to joke around, even if it’s at each other’s expense.

Through thick and thin, they stick by each other’s sides. They laugh together…

…And cry together.

Like a true family, they always have each other’s backs, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

2. He always steps up

As the group’s leader, JB selflessly takes responsibility for the group. He is in charge of important tasks like giving speeches at awards shows.

The heavy burden of leading a top K-Pop group rests on his shoulders. Knowing that, it’s easy to see why his members rely on him and respect him greatly.

3. He takes care of them

Finally, JB is always looking out for his members’ well-being. With busy schedules year-round and the world’s eyes perpetually on them, it isn’t easy to be an idol.

JB recognizes this and tries to ease their burdens in any way he can, including through subtle instances like putting a smile on their faces.

Happy birthday, JB! GOT7 is lucky to have such a wonderful leader!


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