10 Iconic BTS Jungkook Moments That Turned Fans Into Stans

These moments made fans fall for him. Hard.

From his endless talents to his lovable personality, there are plenty of reasons why Jungkook has climbed to the top of many bias lists. BTS‘s Golden Maknae is good at everything, including winning the hearts of millions! Here are just some of the countless iconic moments that turned Jungkook fans into stans.


1. “I know her face, but I don’t know her name.”

I-ARMYs always love to hear BTS speaking their native tongue. Jungkook isn’t fluent in English (yet!), but every time he does speak it, his stans fall in love with him all over again. During an interview with Access Hollywood, Jungkook was asked to name his Hollywood crush, and this was his answer.

To jog his memory, the interviewer asked what movie the actress was from. Jungkook cutely replied, “I know movie, but I don’t know movie name.”


2. “I like countryside!

Jungkook can be on the quieter side during interviews, but that wasn’t the case when BTS took the “The Noisey Questionnaire of Life”. When BTS had to choose between the city, beach, and countryside, Jungkook made fans laugh by shouting, “countryside”.


3. Jungshook

Jungkook’s tendency to stare blankly into space has given ARMYs the legendary “Jungshook” meme.

He recently went into Jungshook mode while listening to RM rehearse his speech for the United Nations. ARMYs can relate.


4. His dubsmash phase

If you’re having a bad day, Jungkook’s hilarious dubsmashes will improve it x1000. These short, lipsynced clips showed off the silly side of Jungkook that fans know and love.

Who doesn’t love an idol with a sense of humor?


5. That time he accidentally sabotaged himself

For BTS’s 2016 Festa, the members wrote anonymous letters. Or, tried to. Jungkook ended up revealing his identity right away by mentioning his computer. At the time, Jungkook was the only member who had one!

Jungkook realized his mistake immediately, but that wasn’t the only one he’d made. He’d also called “V-hyung” in the letter. No other member would refer to V this way because no one is younger than V than Jungkook!


6. His cackle

When this evil maknae is up to no good, he doesn’t laugh. He cackles like a maniacal villain. Fans love it every time!


7. Every single one of his heartstopping fancams

ARMYs know that there are two sides to Jungkook: “Bunny Kook” and “Muscle Pig”. Bunny Kook is adorkable and sweet, but Muscle Pig is hot enough to melt a thermostat!

Jungkook’s charismatic stage presence never fails to slay fans…

…and his fan cams capture it all!


8. His girl group dance covers

The Golden Maknae is known for being good at everything he tries, but he has a special talent for girl group dances.

Jungkook nails the choreography without fail!


9. “I’m not your oppa”

Jungkook hasn’t always been a fan of being called “oppa”. In fact, he doubted that the fans calling him “oppa” were actually younger than him.

At this fan meeting, Jungkook said that he would start checking ARMY’s IDs to see if they were younger than him or not!


10. “International playboy”

No list of iconic Jungkook moments would be complete without this classic. Jungkook once called himself an “international playboy” while rapping part of “Bulletproof Pt. 2”. His self-proclaimed title became a running joke in the BTS fandom because, at the time, Jungkook was known to be shy around girls.


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