14 Powerful Behind-The-Scenes Pictures From iKON’s “Inception” Performance On “Kingdom”

They did ATEEZ proud!!

On the most recent round of competition show Kingdom, each of the six participating groups was given a song by one of the other artists on the show to create a performance for. ATEEZ and iKON were paired up to swap songs, so while the former was given “Rhythm Ta”, iKON was tasked with the other artist’s “Inception”!

It’s always interesting to see how a K-Pop artist will interpret and perform another’s music, and unsurprisingly, iKON blew viewers away with their rendition of the powerful hit. Here’s a look at 14 behind-the-scenes pictures taken from their performance!

1. Jay

Jay’s vocals, even when performing such an intense song, were absolutely breathtaking, as can be expected from this main vocalist!

2. Song

Song has proven over and over that he is so much more than just the group’s visual, though that certainly is one of his many charms!

3. Bobby

Charismatic main rapper Bobby absolutely owned this song, and his acting and facial expressions made it even more enjoyable to watch!

4. DK

DK was captivating in his performance, putting his main dancer skills to great use with his powerful, fluid, and seemingly flawless movements!

5. Ju-ne

Like Jay, the other main vocalist of iKON showed just how stable and gorgeous his voice is even during such an energetic showcase!

6. Chan

Chan may be the youngest member of iKON, but he was more than capable of keeping up with his hyungs and gave his all during this stunning show.

7. All

iKON’s take on “Inception” was overall really unique and so high-energy!

If you haven’t watched it already, or want to see it again, check out iKON’s performance of ATEEZ’s phenomenal song “Inception” here!


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