20+ iKONIC Reactions To iKON Bobby’s Wedding And Baby Announcement

We are all so excited for him!

Recently, iKON‘s Bobby announced that he is getting married and expecting a baby due to be born in September. He shared the news personally in a handwritten letter on Instagram.

Here are 20+ iKONIC reactions to Bobby’s announcement…

1. When you wake up to the news…

We’re shocked but excited…

2. Bobby’s wedding going to be lit

3. It all makes sense now

4. K-Pop fans be like

5. Realizing Bobby low-key hinted before

6. Bobby’s dreams are coming true

7. Bobby is honestly so admirable

8. When Bobby tries to get a babysitter…

9. Will actually cry when this happens

10. Actual footage of Bobby in September

11. 🤷

12. We know he’s going to be the best dad ever already

13. He’s going to be so proud too

14. His baby will be born this cool

15. When you realize Bobby’s baby will be born in iKON’s debut month…

16. 👀

17. We can already imagine…

18. There are two kinds of people…

19. We’re so happy for him

20. This baby will have amazing uncles too

21. Bobby is changing the game

22. It’s official 👀

23. And then there are all the other fandoms expecting news… 😂

Source: @bobbyindaeyo


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