These Are The (Uneven) Line Distributions For All 12 Songs On IZ*ONE’s “BLOOM*IZ” Album

The member with the most lines has over 3 times as many as the member with the least.

IZ*ONE’s album BLOOM*IZ made a huge name for the already successful group earlier this year when it made nearly 500,000 sales, which is not common for a female group or a still fairly new group.

Despite the success of BLOOM*IZ , Oneiric Diary, which was released later in the year, ended up becoming their best-selling album with over 550,000 total sales!

Because of its success, you may wonder if all of the members had an equal amount of time to shine on the album. The following graphs will show you the line distributions for each of the 12 songs on the album, with a final graph showing the total lines each member has on the entire album.

1. “Eyes”

Most lines: Yuri: Main vocalist (19.9%)

2nd: Chaewon: Lead vocalist, lead dancer (19.7%)

3rd: Eunbi: Leader, main dancer, lead vocalist (14.9%)

4th: Yujin: Lead vocalist, lead dancer (10.2%)

5th: Yena: Main rapper, lead vocalist, lead dancer (5.3%) & Nako: Sub-vocalist (5.3%)

6th: Hitomi: Lead dancer, sub-vocalist, sub-rapper (5.2%)

7th: Wonyoung: Lead dancer, sub-vocalist, sub-rapper, center, maknae (5.1%)

8th: Minju: Lead rapper, sub-vocalist, visual(4.6%)

9th: Chaeyeon: Main dancer, lead vocalist, lead rapper (4.4%)

10th: Hyewon: Lead rapper, sub-vocalist, visual (3.3%)

11th: Sakura: Sub-vocalist, sub-rapper, visual (2.3%)

2. “Fiesta”

Most lines: Yuri (15.7%)

2nd: Chaewon (11.1%)

3rd: Eunbi (10.4%)

4th: Wonyoung (10%)

5th: Yujin (9.1%)

6th: Yena (8.4%)

7th: Sakura (8.3%)

8th: Minju (8%)

9th: Chaeyeon (5.9%)

10th: Nako (5.1%)

11th: Hitomi (4.9%)

12th: Hyewon (3.2%)

3. “Dreamlike”

Most lines: Yena (24.4%)

2nd: Eunbi (20.7%)

3rd: Hitomi (18.5%)

4th: Wonyoung (17.9%)

5th: Sakura (9.8%)

6th: Hyewon (8.8%)

4. “Ayayaya”

Most lines: Eunbi (17.2%)

2nd: Minju (15.7%)

3rd: Chaeyeon (13.9%)

4th: Yujin (13.2%)

5th: Yuri (12.9%)

6th: Chaewon (8.6%)

7th: Nako (8.3%)

8th: Sakura (5.6%)

9th: Hyewon (4.6%)

5. “So Curious”

Most lines: Wonyoung (15.3%)

2nd: Chaewon (12.6%)

3rd: Yena (12.3%)

4th: Nako (12%)

5th: Yujin (11.6%)

6th: Yuri (10.6%)

7th: Hitomi (10.4%)

8th: Minju (8.6%)

9th: Chaeyeon (6.5%)

6. “Spaceship”

Most lines: Yujin (13.9%)

2nd: Chaewon (10.5%)

3rd: Yuri (9.8%)

4th: Wonyoung (9.7%)

5th: Eunbi (9.1%)

6th: Sakura (8%)

7th: Hitomi (7.7%)

8th: Yena (7.6%)

9th: Nako (7.4%)

10th: Chaeyeon (6.6%)

11th: Minju (6.3%)

12th: Hyewon (3.3%)

7. “Destiny”

Most lines: Yujin (18.9%)

2nd: Yuri (17.6%)

3rd: Wonyoung (10.4%)

4th: Chaewon (8.3%)

5th: Nako (7%)

6th: Hitomi (6.9%)

7th: Eunbi (6.6%)

8th: Chaeyeon (5.6%)

9th: Minju (5.4%)

10th: Yena (5.3%)

11th: Sakura (4.1%)

12th: Hyewon (4%)

8. “You & I”

Most lines: Yuri (30.4%)

2nd: Yujin (14.6%)

3rd: Chaewon (11.3%)

4th: Yena (8.3%)

5th: Chaeyeon (7.7%)

6th: Wonyoung (7.3%)

7th: Eunbi (6.9%)

8th: Minju (5.1%)

9th: Hitomi (2.7%)

10th: Nako (2.4%)

11th: Hyewon (1.9%)

12th: Sakura (1.4%)

9. “Daydream”

Most lines: Yujin (32.4%)

2nd: Eunbi (23.9%)

3rd: Minju (22.8%)

4th: Chaeyeon (20.9%)

10. “Pink Blusher”

Most lines: Wonyoung (29.3%)

2nd: Hitomi (25.6%)

3rd: Nako (18.2%)

4th: Sakura (15.2%)

5th: Hyewon (11.7%)

11. “Someday”

Most lines: Chaewon (37.4%)

2nd: Yena (33.5%)

3rd: Yuri (29.2%)

12. “Open Your Eyes”


Most lines: Yuri (13.9%)

2nd: Chaewon (11.5%)

3rd: Yujin (11.4%)

4th: Yena (10.2%)

5th: Eunbi (9.4%)

6th: Wonyoung (9.2%)

7th: Hitomi (7.1%)

8th: Minju (6.7%)

9th: Chaeyeon (6.3%)

10th: Nako (5.8%)

11th: Sakura (4.8%)

12th: Hyewon (3.7%)


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