K-Pop Female Idols With The Best Side Profile, According To Fans

It’s impossible to pick who has the best side profile among these queens.

If you’re a K-Pop fan, you already know that these idols have skills, style, and stage presence in spades. But have you ever paid attention to their perfect side profiles? That’s right — fans have spoken, and we’ve gathered some top tweets to crown the female K-Pop idols with the most stunning side profiles.


First up, we have BLACKPINK’s Rosé. Queen Rosé doesn’t need any kind of angle to look stunning, but when she turns her head just a little, fans around the world feel their hearts skip a beat. Her unique nose bridge, captivating eyes, and the perfect curve of her jawline make her an absolute standout.


Next, we’ve got another BLACKPINK member. Lisa, with her sharp features and mesmerizing gaze, has been hailed by fans for having one of the best side profiles in K-Pop. Let’s face it, Lisa’s ethereal side profile could probably be used to craft a sculpture!

3. Red Velvet’s Irene

Over at Red Velvet, Irene has fans swooning with her classical beauty. Her flawless side profile is like a perfectly crafted masterpiece, full of soft, elegant lines and a nose that many describe as the ‘perfect slope.’ It’s not just her beauty but also her charismatic aura that’s captured in every side profile shot.

4. TWICE’s Sana and Jeongyeon

When it comes to TWICE, two members stood out for their side profiles – Sana and Jeongyeon. Sana’s side profile is characterized by her distinct eye shape and perfectly rounded nose. Her fans can’t help but gush over her adorable yet refined profile.  As for Jeongyeon, her side profile is nothing short of powerful, with a prominent jawline and sharply defined features.

5. Girls’ Generation’s Yoona and Tiffany

Girls’ Generation isn’t a group that can be left out of this list. Yoona and Tiffany have caught fans’ attention with their stunning side profiles. Yoona’s innocent beauty and perfectly symmetrical features make her a fan favorite. Tiffany, on the other hand, carries a different charm with her slightly rounded features and expressive eyes that add a sense of mystique to her profile.

6. NewJeans’ Minji

Breaking into the scene is Minji from sensational rookie group, NewJeans. Despite being relatively new, her striking side profile is making waves among fans. Her strong jawline, coupled with her delicate nose and eyes, has definitely put her on the side profile map!

7. MAMAMOO’s Wheein

Lastly, we can’t forget MAMAMOO’s Wheein. Her fans argue that her side profile is just as enchanting as her powerhouse vocals. With her delicate features and expressive gaze, Wheein has a side profile that’s as beautiful and captivating as her performances.

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