These 10+ Close-Up Fantaken Photos Show How Gorgeous MAMAMOO Looks IRL

Their beauty is unreal.

Check out the photos from lucky fans who got to stand mere inches away from the members of MAMAMOO and lived to tell the tale through a phone picture!

1. Some may not believe that Solar is somehow even cuter in person.

Look at the precious way she interacts with fans.

2. Imagine being this close to queen Hwasa.

What would you do if you were two feet away from a goddess?

3. Wheein’s visuals are just as apparent on stage.

She’s absolutely stunning and glowing with fans’ love!

4. Hwasa’s skin is brighter than my future.

She’s so radiant!

5. Moonbyul is so sweet to everyone she meets.

She always makes sure fans feel loved and welcomed.

6. Wheein IRL is the 8th wonder of the world.

Try not to fall head over heels for her when you see these girlfriend material pictures.

7. Solar has absolutely no bad angles.

In fact, every angle is her angle!

8. Hwasa’s smile can brighten anyone’s day.

Especially if she’s, like, right in front of you.

9. This fan is sooo lucky.

Moonbyul gave them eye contact, a peace sign, and a smile!

10. Wheein is more and more stunning every time you see her.

She has such a beautiful aura.

11. Solar’s smiles from the stage are absolutely precious.

So angels do exist!

12. This fan was caught in the best way possible.

Me next, Wheein!

13. Moonbyul’s hamster-like visuals make her so loveable.

Look at those cheeks!

14. Goddess Wheein coming through.

It’s not every day you’re within arm’s length of a MAMAMOO member.

15. Solar looks flawless on the way to her schedule.

We stan a visual queen.

16. Wheein has absolutely no chill.

Wheein stans, please collect your woman.

17. People don’t want a relationship, they want to be front row at a MAMAMOO concert.



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