10 Martial Artist Idols Who Could Take Anyone Down In A Round Of Taekwondo

You wouldn’t want to get into a fight with them.

No one wants their idol to ever end up in a fight. However, if any of these 10 idols got caught in a scuffle and needed to defend themselves, their pro taekwondo (Korean martial arts) skills would be sure to save them.

#1. Jimin (BTS)

BTS’s Jimin trained in several martial arts for over eight years—including kendo and taekwondo, which he achieved a black belt in. He was actually inspired by the character Zoro from the anime One Piece.

#2. Jungkook (BTS)

Like his fellow member Jimin, Jungkook also trained in taekwondo from a young age. also has a black belt in taekwondo. Jungkook reached red-and-black belt (advanced) level.

#3. Jisoo (BLACKPINK)

BLACKPINK’s Jisoo said she’s not good at many sports, but she did take taekwondo classes as a child. While she’s only a white belt (the lowest rank), she did technically achieve the rank of yellow belt (upper novice). However, she didn’t attend class the day the yellow belts were given out!

#4. Hoshi (SEVENTEEN)

Taekwondo is SEVENTEEN’s Hoshi’s number-one hobby. He has a black belt in the martial art and won championships in his youth.

#5. Felix (Stray Kids)

On an episode of Pops in Seoul, Stray Kids’s Felix revealed he won multiple medals in taekwondo as a child and reached third-degree black belt level.

#6. Bomi (Apink)

Apink’s Bomi has a third-degree black belt in taekwondo, which she showed off on My Little Television.

#7. Somi

While Somi was promoting with I.O.I, she showed off her superior taekwondo skills. Given that she has a third-degree black belt in the art, it’s no surprise that she’s so good.

#8. Yohan (X1)

Former X1 member Yohan trained in taekwondo for a whopping 13 years. He was inspired by his father, who is a taekwondo master. Winning two taekwondo championships, Yohan actually received a scholarship to train further. However, his dream of becoming an idol was bigger, so he decided to quit martial arts.

#9. Lee Hangyul (X1)

H&D’s Lee Hangyul, who was also in X1, is another taekwondo star. He trained in the art for eight years as a child and has a third-degree black belt.

#10. Hwanwoong (ONEUS)

ONEUS’s Hwanwoong once named taekwondo as one of his specialties. He used to train in the martial art before he began dancing, achieving fourth-degree black belt level.

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