Here’s The Top 5 Perfect Boyfriend Outfits That NCT’s Jaehyun Sold Out In Seconds

What a stylish man he is!

NCT‘s Jaehyun, known and beloved for his perfect boyfriend visual and style, has been selling out all kind of fashion items that he has been spotted wearing. From cozy hooded sweatshirts to badass leather jackets, fans are busy getting their hands on Jaehyun’s best fashionable items!


1. Cardigan

Jaehyun’s beige colored knit cardigan is from the band F.ILLUMINATE and costs about $50 USD. When he wore it to his “Night Night” radio show he used to host with Johnny, fans immediately fell in love with the soft & cozy look of it. It remains unavailable on the brand’s official website.


2. Pink Hoodie

Jaehyun’s oversized pink hoodie that reads “snooze” is from the brand MMH and costs about $58 USD. He wore this to the radio show too and had the fans curious about where he bought it. When it was first revealed, it was sold out within days. The MMH site now has it restocked for a lowered price of $50 USD.


3. Padded Jacket

Possibly Jaehyun’s favorite winter outerwear, this padded jacket from the brand TONYWACK is on the pricier side. It costs about $200 USD – but it was sold out as soon as the brand was confirmed.


4. Red Hoodie

Jaehyun’s love for hoodies passes on to his fans. NCTzens went wild when Jaehyun rocked this red & yellow “Oversize Double Hoodie” from the brand UNVEILD on the radio show. The boxy style, maximizing comfort levels, had everyone sold the minute they saw it on Jaehyun. It costs around $80, but remains sold out on the brand’s site.


5. Leather Jacket

This leather jacket that Jaehyun wore several times throughout the winter also became one of the most eye-catching airport fashion at the time. The brand Koleat verified that it is actually from their female line – and that he is wearing the oversized fit version. Both male and female fans of Jaehyun ordered theirs too, at the original price of $270 USD. The jacket sold out several times since then. The brand is now taking its 15th round of orders, at a lowered price of $145 USD.

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[KOLEAT] #콜릿 – – 일명 재현무스탕이 되어버린 콜릿 무스탕 열심히 제작중입니다- – NCT재현의 오버사이즈핏의 클래식 무스탕💕 (14-15차 재입고제작중) ✔️남녀 모두 주문이 많아 정성껏 제작하고 있으니, 할인기간 연장하겠습니다 :) ✔️관심과 사랑 감사드립니다❤️ ✔️배송사진 첨부! – – (출처: 팬인스타 #jaehyun_is_my_first_love) #nct #nct127 #엔시티 #nctjaehyun #jaehyun #nct2018 #엔시티127 #재현무스탕 #재현 #콜릿무스탕 #남자무스탕 #여자무스탕 #스타패션 #아이돌패션 #공항패션 #kpop #kpopfashion #fashion #패션스타그램 #dailylook #ootd #데일리룩 #겨울코디 #할인 #mustang

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Source: THEQOO


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