7 Eerie Viral Videos From North Korea

Many people are creeped out by #3.

These videos from North Korea have made their way around the internet for having an uncanny feeling. From footage taken by travelers who visited the country to official YouTube channels, here are some of the eerie videos netizens find unsettling.

1. This 11-year old vlogger’s YouTube videos

11-year-old Song Ah is a YouTuber from Pyongyang, North Korea who uploads vlogs on her “personal” channel that showcase her “daily” life in North Korea.

| The Independent/YouTube

Speaking in fluent English, that too with a British accent, Song Ah is always seen praising the quality of life in the capital city.

| The Independent/YouTube

2. This viral subway video

A video from Instagrammer and traveler @homeless.backpacker showcases footage from a subway in Pyongyang, North Korea.

| @homeless.backpacker/Instagram

Netizens noted how the small details create an eerie vibe, such as the door slamming shut and the darkness of the train.

| @homeless.backpacker/Instagram

3. The morning alarm that goes off at 6 A.M. every day except Sunday

This morning alarm echoes throughout Pyongyang and is often described as “unsettling.”

4. This video showcasing a typical wealthy household

Notice the photos on the wall: Households must display the leaders’ portraits and keep them neat and tidy.

| @love21004/TikTok

5. This clip of a cosmetic market

It sells expensive makeup…but no one really shops there. Most purchases are done at markets instead.

| @love21004/TikTok

6. A North Korean smart phone

Only the wealthiest people will have these, but as expected, there’s no internet access or social media apps.

| @love21004/TikTok

7. This video of a North Korean Mart

Nothing seems off about this video at first…

| @love21004/TikTok

…but when you pay attention to the clothing style, it seems like a video from previous generations.

| @love21004/TikTok
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