10 Photos Of Stray Kids Felix’s Freckles To Brighten Your Day

His freckles are the cutest!

We all know Stray KidsFelix has freckles, and it’s no secret that Stay love them— even though Felix may be insecure about them. Regardless, Felix thanked Stays for loving his freckles and promised that he will love them as well. His freckles are a lovely and unique feature of his, and honestly what is there to not love? So here are 10 photos of Felix’s beautiful freckles to brighten your day:

| wonstal/Tumblr

1. Barefaced

Fans loved this look from Felix, with his bare face and tanned skin.

2. Sweet Treat

What’s sweeter here, the brownies or his freckles and smile?

| @realstsraykids/Instagram

3. On Stage

It’s not often that we can see his freckles when he’s performing on stage! They’re faint, but they’re there!

| @realstraykids/Instagram

4. CLIO Photoshoot

Stays were ecstatic to see that CLIO chose to not hide Felix’s beautiful and natural freckles in one of the official photos they released. He looks stunning!


5. Thanking Stays

How could you not fall in love with him when he thanked Stays for loving his freckles with the biggest smile on his face?

| Stray Kids/V LIVE

6. Showing His Freckles

Even though he’s shy about his freckles, he nonetheless has given Stay a close-up introduction to them.

| wonstal/Tumblr

7. Official Fanmeeting

Again, it’s not often we get to see his freckles in official activities, so it’s always refreshing when we can!

| @Stray_Kids/Twitter

8. Arena Homme + Photoshoot

Another official photoshoot that chose to not hide his freckles! Seriously, he looks gorgeous.

| Arena Homme +

9. Casual Beauty

I mean come on, what’s not to love about his adorable freckles?

| @realstraykids/Instagram

10. 10/10

Help, I’ve fallen for his freckles and I can’t get up…not that I want to.

| @realstraykids/Instagram

It’s so heartwarming that Felix is becoming more confident about his features thanks to Stay’s continuous love!

| wonstal/Tumblr

Stray Kids

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