7 Moments That Show SEVENTEEN’s Jun and The8 Are Friendship Goals

Oh, to have a friendship like Junhao…

SEVENTEEN‘s Chinese members, Jun and The8, initially bonded because they were both foreigners in the group and found comfort in one another. Now, they’ve grown to have the most adorable friendship, they’re each other’s shoulder to lean on and biggest supporter, it’s hard not to be jealous of them! Here are some of our favorite things about their friendship.

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1. They never want to be separated.

2. They can compliment each other for 30 seconds straight.

3. They practice pickup lines on each other.

4. They know how the other is feeling without needing words.

5. They protect each other from their chaotic members.

6. Or sometimes it’s them being chaotic and dramatic.

“One person’s loneliness is the fault of two” is quite a sentiment for a missed phone call.

7. They’re always each other’s first choice.


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