9 Facts About TREASURE That They Don’t Expect Fans To Know

They shared their secrets!

TREASURE Makers, how well do you know TREASURE? Though it seems like fans know them inside and out thanks to their variety show appearances and reality show content, they still have more to share.

In one interview, they were asked, “Do you have a secret that others don’t know about?” and they had unique answers. To know what each member replied, keep on reading!

1. Jeongwoo

First up, Jeongwoo’s secret was more of an observation. Not all fans may be aware, but he has really small ears.

2. Yedam

Afterwards, Yedam shared how he had a very busy childhood. Besides being a celebrity, he was also active in church.

When I was in elementary school, I was church leader.

— Yedam

3. Doyoung

Doyoung revealed his then-unknown scar under his lips. He got it as a result of an accident when he was younger.

I slipped when I was a kid and got 12 stitches. Right under the lips, there’s a scar. It’s one of my secrets.

— Doyoung

4. Jihoon

Jihoon was another member with a secret related to his body: “There’s a mole on my chest.”

5. Jaehyuk

Similarly, Jaehyuk’s mystery was also about having a mole, though this time it was on his hand.

6. Haruto

Haruto seemed like he had superpowers when he shared how he didn’t drink water for an entire week. When asked to expound, he revealed that it was because of his unhealthy lifestyle.

I drank something else. Like Coke, Sprite, and Powerade.

— Haruto

7. Yoshi

Yoshi, meanwhile, had less “destructive” tendencies. His unhealthy experience was when he wore the same socks for two days straight!

8. Junghwan

Junghwan had a simple fact about himself: he likes counting hair strands. The context? No one knows!

9. Hyunsuk

Hyunsuk had an unfortunate experience when he was given false hope about his height. As he officially stands at 171 cm (5 ft. 6 in.) growing to his predestined height now seems like a dream.

When I was a kid, I had a height examination. They said I can grow up to 187 cm.

— Hyunsuk

Finally, Junkyu, Mashiho, and Asahi didn’t have any secrets to share because fans “know everything” about them. They’re open books that way!

To know more about TREASURE, check out the full video below!


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