10+ GIFs Of TWICE As Ending Fairies That Are Absolutely Iconic

WARNING: #6 might do something to your heart.

An “ending fairy” in K-Pop is the member who gets the last close-up at the end of a performance. From heavy breathing to adorable winks, there are endless ways the girls of TWICE captivate their fans up to the last second they’re on stage. Check out these 10+ unforgettable moments the girls made fans everywhere swoon.

1. Sana’s visuals shined amongst the falling confetti.

2. Nayeon AND Tzuyu? This is too much.

3. Jihyo’s iconic aegyo is a classic.

4. Momo: Slaying fanboys’ and fangirls’ hearts since 1996.

5. Can you survive Mina’s intense glare?

6. Dahyun is too precious.

7. When Chaeyoung gets serious, it’s game over.

8. Tzuyu’s innocent visuals are refreshing.

9. Same for Momo!

10. Sana turned up the heat on this one.

11. Try not to get lost in Jeongyeon’s eyes.

12. Dahyun’s heavy breathing will send any fan into cardiac arrest.

13. Tzuyu’s glowing!

14. Queen Jihyo taking her rightful spot on the throne.

15. Is there anything Sana can’t do?

16. The girls of TWICE have hypnotizing glares!


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