These Are The Least To Most Popular Members Of TWICE In 9 Different Countries

The lists all vary by country, though there is one member that stands out.

TWICE is easily one of the most popular and well-loved K-Pop girl groups not just in Korea, but worldwide. Each of the members have their own large fanbases, and for good reason — they’re all beautiful, talented, and lovely in their own ways! However, data collected from Google, Twitter, and other social media polls allows people to see which members are most popular in different countries, and interestingly, it varies quite a bit! Here are the least to most popular members of TWICE in 9 different countries, with points based on data collection from these websites.

1. South Korea

9. Chaeyoung (402 points)

8. Jeongyeon (430 points)

7. Dahyun (540 points)

6. Momo (604 points)

5. Tzuyu (745 points)

4. Mina (780 points)

3. Sana (876 points)

2. Nayeon (956 points)

1. Jihyo (987 points)

2. Japan

9. Chaeyoung (943 points)

8. Jeongyeon (1,274 points)

7. Dahyun (1,298 points)

6. Jihyo (1,333 points)

5. Nayeon (1,423 points)

4. Momo (1,635 points)

3. Mina (1,643 points)

2. Sana (2,045 points)

1. Tzuyu (2,403 points)

3. Indonesia

9. Chaeyoung (170 points)

8. Jeongyeon (202 points)

7. Momo (354 points)

6. Dahyun (378 points)

5. Sana (402 points)

4. Mina (439 points)

3. Nayeon (455 points)

2. Jihyo (478 points)

1. Tzuyu (740 points)

4. Philippines

9. Jeongyeon (2,202 points)

8. Chaeyoung (2,289 points)

7. Momo (2,360 points)

6. Jihyo (2,398 points)

5. Mina (2,400 points)

4. Sana (2,414 points)

3. Nayeon (2,444 points)

2. Dahyun (2,450 points)

1. Tzuyu (2,998 points)

5. Vietnam

9. Chaeyoung (355 points)

8. Jeongyeon (398 points)

7. Dahyun (435 points)

6. Jihyo (766 points)

5. Momo (809 points)

4. Nayeon (1,506 points)

3. Mina (1,860 points)

2. Sana (1,965 points)

1. Tzuyu (2,178 points)

6. France

9. Jeongyeon (444 points)

8. Dahyun (530 points)

7. Chaeyoung (545 points)

6. Sana (555 points)

5. Mina (597 points)

4. Nayeon (605 points)

3. Jihyo (678 points)

2. Momo (706 points)

1. Tzuyu (1,060 points)

7. United Kingdom

9. Chaeyoung (666 points)

8. Jeongyeon (668 points)

7. Dahyun (670 points)

6. Nayeon (824 points)

5. Jihyo (835 points)

4. Sana (877 points)

3. Momo (906 points)

2. Tzuyu (1,145 points)

1. Mina (1,381 points)

8. India

9. Chaeyoung (52 points)

8. Dahyun (74 points)

7. Jeongyeon (77 points)

6. Nayeon (90 points)

5. Jihyo (106 points)

4. Momo (118 points)

3. Mina (269 points)

2. Sana (308 points)

1. Tzuyu (708 points)

9. United States

9. Jeongyeon (292 points)

8. Nayeon (297 points)

7. Sana (388 points)

6. Mina (398 points)

5. Chaeyoung (430 points)

4. Dahyun (522 points)

3. Momo (698 points)

2. Tzuyu (702 points)

1. Jihyo (807 points)

To check out how the members’ popularity has changed over the years, check out this video:


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