An In-Depth Look At The Line Distributions For All 7 Songs On TWICE’s “Ready To Be” Album

One member has nearly 3x as many lines as another!

On March 10, TWICE released their latest and highly-anticipated album, Ready To Be. With seven songs on the album including the title track “Set Me Free”, the album has already been breaking sales records for the K-Pop group! But just how even are the lines distributed between members in their new songs?

Here’s a look at the line distributions for all seven songs on TWICE’s new mini-album, as well as for the album as a whole, to see just how even or uneven they are.

1. “Set Me Free”

Most lines: Nayeon

2nd: Jihyo

3rd: Sana

4th: Mina

5th: Dahyun

6th: Tzuyu

7th: Chaeyoung

8th: Jeongyeon

9th: Momo

Difference between most & least lines: 12.7%

2. “Moonlight Sunrise”

Most lines: Nayeon

2nd: Jihyo

3rd: Mina

4th: Jeongyeon & Chaeyoung

5th: Tzuyu

6th: Sana

7th: Momo

8th: Dahyun

Difference between most & least lines: 12.7%

3. “Got The Thrills”

Most lines: Nayeon

2nd: Jihyo

3rd: Mina

4th: Sana

5th: Tzuyu

6th: Dahyun

7th: Jeongyeon

8th: Momo

9th: Chaeyoung

Difference between most & least lines: 15.8%

4. “Blame It On Me”

Most lines: Nayeon

2nd: Jihyo

3rd: Jeongyeon

4th: Mina & Tzuyu

5th: Sana

6th: Chaeyoung

7th: Dahyun

8th: Momo

Difference between most & least lines: 14.7%

5. “Wallflower”

Most lines: Nayeon & Jihyo

2nd: Sana

3rd: Mina & Dahyun

4th: Tzuyu

5th: Chaeyoung

6th: Jeongyeon

7th: Momo

Difference between most & least lines: 13.4%

6. “Crazy Stupid Love”

Most lines: Jihyo

2nd: Chaeyoung

3rd: Nayeon & Mina

4th: Jeongyeon

5th: Tzuyu

6th: Sana

7th: Momo

8th: Dahyun

Difference between most & least lines: 15.4%

7. “Set Me Free” (English Ver.)

Most lines: Nayeon

2nd: Jihyo

3rd: Sana

4th: Mina

5th: Dahyun

6th: Tzuyu

7th: Chaeyoung

8th: Jeongyeon

9th: Momo

Difference between most & least lines: 13.1%


Most lines: Nayeon

2nd: Jihyo

3rd: Mina

4th: Sana

5th: Chaeyoung

6th: Tzuyu

7th: Jeongyeon

8th: Dahyun

9th: Momo

Difference between most & least lines: 12.2%


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