9 Times TWICE’s Nayeon And Red Velvet’s Yeri Were #FriendshipGoals

Nothing says “friendship” like a butt grab, right?

TWICE‘s Nayeon is best friends with everyone, including the Red Velvet members, but she and Yeri are especially close, despite their 4 year age difference. From butt grabs to consoling hugs, here are some of Yeri’s and Nayeon’s best #FriendshipGoals moments!


1. When Yeri grabbed Nayeon’s butt at ISAC

During filming for this year’s Idol Star Athletics Championships Chuseok Special, cameras caught Yeri sneaking up behind Nayeon and grabbing her behind! If that’s not true friendshp, then what is?


2. When Nayeon gave Yeri this cute nickname

Yeri: *sees post-it note* YemYemi?
Fan: YemYemi~
Yeri: YemYemi~ There’s only one person who calls me this name
Fan: Who…?
Yeri: TWICE’s Nayeon-unnie~
Fan: Oh?! Really??!?! YemYemi is cute haha
Yeri: RimRimi YemYemi~


3. When Nayeon comforted Yeri after IU’s speech

Yeri was in tears after hearing IU‘s speech about SHINee’s late member, Jonghyun. As soon as Nayeon realized what was happening, she crossed the stage to give her friend a consoling hug. The other Red Velvet members shielded Yeri and Nayeon from cameras, allowing them to grieve in private.


4. Their “couple rings”

In a live broadcast, Nayeon revealed the meaning behind her accessories. On her left hand, she wears a TWICE couple ring and bracelet. On the right, she wears a couple ring for…

…Yeri! Since Nayeon claims that she only wears meaningful accessories, it shows just how much she cherishes her friendship with Red Velvet’s maknae.


5. When Yeri wished Nayeon “Happy Birthday” in front of all her fans!

One year, Nayeon’s BFF sang her “Happy Birthday” in the middle of her birthday broadcast. Yeri also told Nayeon she loves her! Aww!


6. When Yeri video called Nayeon on Secret Unnie

In addition to calling Nayeon on her birthday, Yeri has also called Nayeon during her own filming. Yeri video-called Nayeon so that all their fans could see her precious unnie too!


7. When Nayeon and Yeri formed their own TWICE x Red Velvet subunit

At ISAC, Nayeon, Yeri, Irene, and Seulgi had a blast dancing to TWICE’s “Likey”. They even threw in some dabs!


8. When they partied it up on Inkigayo

Nayeon and Yeri were caught dancing together on a 2017 episode of Inkigayo. 

They had so much fun together during this encore stage…

…that they were in their own little world!


9. When they took these totally genuine friendship photos

It’s easy to see how close these friends are just by looking at their pictures.

In these candids, taken at ISAC, Nayeon and Yeri don’t look like celebrities.

They look like ordinary girls just hanging out together!


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