Ment Time Vs. Show Time: 10 Times TWICE’s Sana Was The Queen Of Duality On Stage

#6 is almost too much for our hearts.

TWICE‘s Sana is the queen of duality! She’s a master at easily changing from her normal happy self to her serious alter ego on stage.

The following tweets show this best. Check them out below!

1. Play Time

First up, Sana was the cutest when she asked Jeongyeon to carry her around.

| @JoeMGonzalez/Twitter

2. Solo Time

Her “New Rules” performance, however, was the definition of sexy.

3. Ment Time

Her bright smile makes an appearance in each “ment,” the portion of the concert where K-Pop idols talk to fans.

4. Dance Time

Fans can all agree that she has “god tier” facial expressions.

5. Water Time

As soon as it’s time to play around, she’s back to her bubbly self!

6. Serious Time

This Dallas fancam of Sana’s solo was everything.

7. Smiley Time

And this one was golden for capturing her laugh.

8. Performance Time

Needless to say, she has no trouble bringing out her sexy side.

9. Drinking Time

It’s a big difference compared to her naturally sweet self.

10. Both Times

Finally, she can change her expressions in a single second.

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