Here Are TXT’s Personal Favorite Songs That Describe How It Feels To Be Young In 2021

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In a recent interview with Weverse Magazine, the members of TXT recently shared their favorite songs that capture the complex realities of modern youth. Their song choices boost their confidence, provide a sense of comfort during uncertain times, and lift their mood when they need it most. Check out their recommendations below!

| Weverse Magazine

1. “LO$ER=LO♡ER” — TXT

Yeonjun shared how TXT’s latest single can be a source of comfort for fans.

This song should bring a lot of comfort to people my age living through these times. A lot of people are tired, whether from work or something else. I think this song will relieve them from their frustrations for a while. I wrote the lyrics for the bridge, and I think they’ll be comforting to people who are hurt or struggling. At the same time, I’m comforted by the lyrics, too, so I hope everyone can give this song a listen at least once.

— Yeonjun

2. “MOA Diary (Dubaddu Wari Wari)” — TXT

According to Soobin, only MOA will understand the references in their song dedicated to fans.

The song is pretty good by itself, but it’s also something that fans will enjoy listening to. It’s full of things they’ll notice if they’re into us. For example, we borrowed lyrics from our old songs, or put in some of the titles—things like that that only MOA and TOMORROW X TOGETHER can relate to, so I think MOA will really enjoy the song when they hear it.

— Soobin

3. “Try Everything” — Shakira

Shakira’s “Try Everything” embodies a youthful atmosphere with its uplifting lyrics, even in the midst of despair.

I think there’s something about it that’s similar to the songs we’re doing, but it’s also really cheerful and bright. It reminds me of the way I look at youth. Youth isn’t all that bright or exciting, but when I think of youth, this is the kind of atmosphere I imagine.

— Soobin

4. “Roses” — Finn Askew

“Roses” is a mood-lifter for Yeonjun.

When I listen to that song, it feels—I guess I could say refreshing. It makes my heart race. I think it’s a good song to listen to when you’re in a bad mood. We often had music playing during our shoot, and I heard that song and thought it was good so I added it to my own list right away. MOA recommended the song a lot when I was on Weverse, too.

— Yeonjun

5. “New Normal” — Khalid

Beomgyu shares how the song touches upon growing up, especially during the current circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Everyone’s going through the same rough patch, and there’s a lot of people who feel like they’re falling apart because of it. But in one way, from the perspective of an entire lifetime, it’s a really short period. So lately I’ve had a lot of thoughts like, I hope I can get over this without any problems, and that it’ll be okay when it’s all over. That’s why I want to recommend that song.

— Beomgyu

6. “Swap It Out” — Justin Bieber

Taehyun reveals how “Swap It Out” was a more mature love song from Justin Bieber and helped inspire TXT’s own music.

The love songs [Justin Bieber] did before were young and inexperienced, but the love he deals with in Journals is deeper, I think. We have two back-to-back love songs on Chaos Chapter. In that sense, his album and this song were a lot of help.

— Taehyun

7. “Show You” — Shawn Mendes

Huening Kai shares how “Show You” would give him an instant confident boost with its teen movie-esque sound.

Sometimes when I felt my self-esteem was low when I was in middle and high school I would listen to this song and I think it gave me some confidence. (laughs) The song makes your heart beat faster and it’s also a lot of comfort, especially if you’re at that high school age.

— Huening Kai

Source: Weverse Magazine


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