2PM Members Comfort Fans And Show Their Support For Jun.K

2PM fans have been filled with anxiety after Jun.K‘s accident, and members Nichkhun and Junho tried to help alleviate some of their stress by leaving messages for fans and Jun.K himself.

On February 26, Jun.K fell almost 9-feet at 2PM’s 6 Nights concert event, causing serious injuries that required emergency surgery. JYP Entertainment issued an official statement and an apology to fans for not being able to protect the safety of their artist and cancelled the remaining shows. Following hospital inspection, the company reported that Jun.K had fractured his arm and injured both his knee and chest.

Although there were many people who sent Jun.K their love and wishes for a speedy recovery, there were also malicious comments about his injury and the overall situation. On February 28, JYP Entertainment released a notice explaining that they will take strong legal action against any future malicious comments in regards to Jun.K’s accident.

On the same day, 2PM’s Nichkhun and Junho posted on their personal SNS accounts to lighten up the whole situation.

“I hope our Minjunnie hyung will get better to perfect condition as fast as he can! Stay strong as there are many people that are rooting for you!”

– Junho

Nickhun also posted by uploading a screenshot of 2PM’s song “Don’t Stop Can’t Stop” and assured fans that nothing could ever bring 2PM down.

Although the remaining concerts of 2PM’s tour have been canceled. Jun.K recently promised to return to the stage soon. Fellow group member Taecyeon, also showed his support for his fellow member by retweeting Jun.K’s tweet.

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