4th Generation Star Kicked Out Of Group After Getting Caught Clubbing

He had been suspended from group activities since March.

Yuehua Entertainment has officially terminated TEMPEST Hwarang‘s contract.

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Yuehua Entertainment

On August 11, the company posted an official announcement regarding the idol’s future with the group. The news comes months after Hwarang was suspended from group activities.

We would like to inform you about the future activities of TEMPEST and Hwarang.

We have been engaged in deep discussions with Hwarang regarding his future activities and career path. After careful consideration, we have mutually agreed to conclude his activities as a member of TEMPEST and to terminate his exclusive contract with our company.

— Yuehua Entertainment


The label then thanked fans for their support of the group and Hwarang. Yuehua also warned that it would respond strongly to any malicious rumors spread about its artists in the future.

We sincerely thank all the fans who have supported Hwarang until now. We ask for your continued support for Hwarang as he embarks on a new journey, and we too will genuinely cheer for his future endeavors.

Please note that we will respond strongly to any dissemination of false information or unfounded rumors regarding our artists. We also ask for your continued interest and love for TEMPEST, who will be appearing on “Road to Kingdom.”

Thank you.

— Yuehua Entertainment

Previously, Hwarang was exposed for having gone club hopping, drinking, and allegedly using a private Instagram account to keep in touch with the women he met. You can read more in the link below.

Private Instagrams And Club Hopping — Fan Exposes 4th Generation Idol’s Alleged Lies

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