Active Police Officer Turns Out To Be Rapist Who Evaded Arrest 13 Years Ago

He was caught coincidentally.

Content Warning

This article includes descriptions of sexual assault that may disturb some readers.

A police officer who was active in service was arrested on charges of trespassing recently. But the arrest led to the horrific discovery that he was also the culprit in a rape case that happened 13 years ago.

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On August 28, KST, the Eunpyeong Police Station announced that it had transferred “A,” a man in his 40s, to the Seoul Western District Prosecutor’s Office on charges of both trespassing and rape. He was serving as the lieutenant at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency’s Mobile Unit but has been removed from his duty.

This discovery was triggered by a report the police received back in May about someone secretly entering a karaoke bar in Eunpyeong while the business was closed. They subsequently launched a probe and identified “A” as the suspect.

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The arrested police officer “A”

While investigating “A,” his DNA was sent for analysis, where it ended up matching with the DNA found at a rape scene in Gangnam, Seoul, 13 years ago. According to the police, “A” has refused to make any statements about the case as of now.

The news left Korean netizens in utter shock, who expressed their disappointment at the repeated stories of sexual violence happening throughout the country.

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| Instiz
  • “Look at the state of this country, really. LOL.”
  • “Excuse me…?”
  • “Why is South Korea like this…”
  • “Is that not insane?”
  • “Ugh.”
  • “A police officer….?


Source: Donga and Instiz
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