Actor Ji Soo Confirmed To Be Removed From KBS Drama “River Where the Moon Rises”, Na In Woo In Discussions As Replacement

Ji Soo has been officially removed.

KBS has made its decision to drop Ji Soo as the lead actor for their drama River Where The Moon Rises, and Na In Woo is in discussions to replace him.

| KBS 

According to a statement from KBS to Star News, they have made the decision to drop Ji Soo as the male lead role, On Dal.

Recently, Ji Soo has been at the center of a controversy, so he will be leaving the cast of River Where The Moon Rises. We are currently in discussions with the production company about our next course of action.


KBS had been holding meetings to determine whether Ji Soo would stay on with the drama following his bullying accusations, and reports stated that KBS decided to have Ji Soo drop out from the drama. However, over 95% of the drama has already been filmed, creating a logistics issues as the production team still has yet to decide whether keep Ji Soo’s parts, or to refilm them.

| KeyEast

Na In Woo is currently considering the offer to take over the role of On Dal, however he has not confirmed his role.

Source: Star News

Actor Ji Soo's Bullying Allegation

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