49-Year-Old Actress Gets Hit On By A Man 17-Years Younger Than Her

In the latest episode of SBS‘s Because I’m Solo, actress Myung Se Bin revealed the time she went to the beach and was pursued by a man much younger than her.

The November 26 episode showed Myung treating her guests to a home-cooked meal. While dining and chatting, one of the guests—actor Go Myung Hwan—mentioned what a bummer it was for Myung to be single. Doing so, he brought up “the man from Sokcho…”
Go Myung Hwan: Look how beautiful her home is. How delicious the food is… and how gorgeous she is, too. I feel bad that I’m the one sitting here.
Myung Se Bin: Why?
Go Myung Hwan: I feel like a different man should be here… What about the man from Sokcho that one time? The one that followed you around. Give him a call.
Myung Se Bin: Oh gosh, this is so embarrassing.
…which Myung then explained. Myung said she was visiting Yangyang County in Gangwon Province, a beach town near Sokcho City. While Myung chose Yangyang because she liked the East Sea, show host Shin Dong Yup nudged at how popular Yangyang is as a spot for “hunting” (헌팅 in Korean) or meeting new people/hooking up.

Myung Se Bin: Yeah… I was visiting Yangyang and…
Shin Dong Yup: Yangyang?
Myung Se Bin: It was many years ago.
Shin Dong Yup: If it was in Yangyang, you knew what you were getting into.
Myung Se Bin: Well, I went because I like the beach towns near the East Sea. I’ve been going to those areas for a long time.
Myung said she was approached by a man much younger than her, whom she turned down and sent back on his way.
Im Ji Eun: Do you still have his number?
Myung Se Bin: I don’t. I just remember how surprised I was. I told him that I was visiting Yangyang, and he was being funny with me like—
Go Myung Hwan: Yeah, I told her there’s a lot of people in Yangyang these days, so she should pick one. And then she actually had a guy hit on her.
Myung Se Bin: I was caught so off guard, too.
Im Ji Eun: Do you remember how old he was?
Go Myung Hwan: In his 20s, maybe?
Myung Se Bin: Not that young… But he was like… 17 years younger than me, I think.
Im Ji Eun: What did you tell him?
Myung Se Bin: I persuaded him against the idea.
Go thought it was a missed opportunity, but Myung was absolutely convinced that she did the right thing by setting him straight.
He was just so young. Fortunately, I was wearing a hat and my sunglasses. I was worried he might recognize me. So I told him, ‘Please don’t do this. I’m old.’ I didn’t even ask how old he was. I just told him that I was too old for him and that I was there with a friend. He wouldn’t give up, though. In the end, I had to tell him I was an actress and so that I couldn’t.
— Myung Se Bin
Myung then added that she does feel the desire to start dating again when she goes on trips. After hearing the story, actress Hwang Jung Eum suggested that Myung Se Bin tries to keep an open mind and give the younger guys fair chances to shoot their shots!
In 2003, it was reported that Myung Se Bin was getting married to a non-celebrity. The wedding was called off after the fiancé’s family refused to bless the couple. Then in 2007, Myung wed a lawyer—though the marriage only lasted five months.
Read more about it here:
Popular Actress Who Got Hastily Married Because Of A Dating Rumor