Actress Under Fire For Publicly Voicing Support For FIFTY FIFTY Amid Backlash

“FIFTY FIFTY hwaiting!!!”

Actress Son Soo Hyun publicly voiced her support for FIFTY FIFTY amid the backlash from Unanswered Questions‘ latest episode.

Son Soo Hyun | Money Today

On August 20, the actress took to Twitter, where she expressed her support for the idol group.

I watched Unanswered Questions… People who play with other people’s dreams really make me mad…. FIFTY FIFTY hwaiting!!! Show the haters they were wrong by flying high once again!!!

— Son Soo Hyun

The tweet was posted after Unanswered Questions released a controversial episode that has since sparked allegations of biased reporting and manipulating facts.

Dispatch Exposes FIFTY FIFTY Family Member’s Lies Sparking Renewed Backlash

Netizens reacted to the actress’s tweet by telling her she was misinformed and criticized Son Soo Hyun.

LOL~ Their careers just took a dive.

— @degulkim/Twitter

How can you support criminals who backstabbed their label for a ridiculous reason and then attempted to rob them by secretly filing trademarks? It seems your label should be careful as well since they might be backstabbed (by you).

— @soohyunby/Twitter

I think FIFTY FIFTY will reap what they sowed. The world looks different depending on the glasses we see the world out of. Do you think the world Unanswered Questions showed us is reality? Let’s wait patiently and find out.

— @K3tejdakk518029/Twitter

FIFTY FIFTY is the one who played with Jeon Hong Joon’s (CEO of ATTRAKT) dreams.. Are you supporting FIFTY FIFTY after checking the facts? If there is any evidence of ATTRAKT playing with their dreams, let’s see it. Unanswered Questions didn’t show any evidence, so if you know something that we don’t, let us know~.

— @starwiring/Twitter

Meanwhile, Son Soo Hyun is an actress who appeared in K-Dramas, Puck!, Rude Miss Young Ae, and Blood.

What are your thoughts?


Source: wikitree


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