“I’m A Big Fan Of You” — aespa’s Karina Makes A Baseball Player Sweat

She cut him NO slack. 😂

Aespa‘s Karina recently made the first pitch at SSG Landers vs. Lotte Giants baseball game in Busan.

Karina (aespa) | @katarinabluu/Instagram
| @katarinabluu/Instagram

In a new behind-the-scenes video, Karina showcased just how fast she picks up new skills when a baseball player taught her how to properly pitch the ball.

She was immediately complimented for her natural skills — and was even praised as one of the best idols!

One of the players for the Lotte Giants confessed to Karina that he was a big fan of aespa.

However, Karina isn’t so easily impressed! Immediately, she put him on the spot with a fake microphone and quizzed him on their newest release.

What’s our new song?

— Karina

He knew enough to answer “Supernova,” but couldn’t remember the name for “Armageddon.”

You can’t say he didn’t try! Watch the full clip below.


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