Aespa’s NingNing Experiences Eye Pain At The Airport — Fans Are Heartbroken

She is nearly blind in her right eye.

Aespa‘s NingNing recently revealed in a Vogue interview that her right eye was not in its best condition. She had undergone surgery when she was younger but is currently still experiencing vision loss. She can barely see out of her right eye now.

On March 24, 2023, the girls of aespa made their way to the airport to fly overseas for a schedule. Fans noticed that NingNing seemed to be experiencing some discomfort. The strong flash from journalists did not help.

NingNing covered her right eye to shield it from the flashes before turning away completely. Vision loss can often lead to high sensitivity and pain in the face of strong lights. Despite this, she still braved a smile and laughed with Giselle.

Fans were heartbroken at the sight.

My heart is ripping…

— e82par

Others encourage her to wear sunglasses for her own sake.

You can always wear sunglasses. Aigoo, baby.

— topu_411

Despite this, NingNing still stands strong and is determined to be a great example for women. We love you NingNing!


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