Aespa Winter’s Casual Airport Fashion Leaves Netizens Baffled

Some even expressed *concerns*.

Recently, online communities in Korea got abuzz discussing the personal style of aespa member Winter.

Winter | @imwinter/Instagram

On July 26, KST, a netizen posted a compilation of Winter’s off-duty looks at the airport with a caption that read, “Winter is really bad at dressing herself.” In the pictures posted by the OP (original poster), the “Supernova” singer could be seen in varying styles of clothing but, surprisingly, none too familiar with current fashion trends.

Winter’s airport outfits seem to consist of comfortable and laid-back items, be it oversized jackets,

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baggy pants,

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or her trusty little baseball hat.

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The pictures drew some funny comments from netizens, who also made some good-humored comparisons with IU, who is also popular for her “bad” personal fashion.

IU Naver1
IU’s casual fashion | Naver Blog
IU Naver2
| Naver Blog

Here’s what netizens are saying about Winter’s casual dressing style:

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| Nate Pann
  • “All of the aespa members are bad at personal dressing.”
  • “It looks like IU’s casual dressing style.”
  • “Even fans tease Winter, saying her taste is weird… We can’t start hating on someone’s personal style.”
    [In the screenshot: “Let’s learn about Winter’s real casual fashion… Okay, let’s stop learning about it.”]
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| Nate Pann
  • “It wasn’t this bad last year. Why is she getting worse at dressing?”
  • “Instead of layers, wearing a one-piece is the best for her.”
  • “Except the fourth one, the rest are okay, I think.”
Source: Nate Pann


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