Aespa Winter’s “Bad Attitude” At Fashion Show Sparks Heated Reactions

Netizens have fiercely defended her.

Aespa’s Winter has recently been the center of online discussion following her appearance at Ralph Lauren‘s SP25 fashion show in New York on September 5.

lessencestudios twt
| @lessencestudios/X (formerly known as Twitter)

The idol made headlines for her stunning visuals! Many praised her ethereal appearance and even compared her to a character from a fairytale romance.

However, a day later on September 6, a post on the popular Korean online forum Pann went viral, accusing Winter of having a poor attitude during the event.

| @imwinter/Instagram

The post, titled “Aespa’s Winter seemed to have a bad attitude at the fashion show,” criticized her behavior, claiming that she appeared disinterested in the models walking the runway and questioned why she attended the event in the first place. The original poster also pointed out Winter’s casual clothing style, implying that she had little interest in fashion overall.

Even her own casual outfits show she doesn’t care about clothes at all, so why even come to the fashion show? She just lazily glanced at the walking models, and overall, her attitude was bad.

— OP on Pann

| Pann

Despite the post quickly becoming one of the most talked-about topics on Pann, the majority of netizens disagreed with the criticism.

| @imwinter/Instagram

Many defended Winter — arguing that her behavior was no different from that of others attending the show and that the post was merely an attempt to stir controversy. Fans also pointed out that she was invited to the show as a brand ambassador, and her facial expressions and reactions were in line with the atmosphere of the event.

| Pann
  • “The person who left this comment is just spewing nonsense, lol. Her expression wasn’t any different from the actors’ sitting next to her, so why are you only picking on Winter?”
  • “Winter has been doing so well these days, so it’s obvious why she immediately attracts crazies, haha.”
  • “She’s the ambassador, so of course she was invited. Her expression was no different from the ones from people next to her. You’re just jealous because she’s so pretty and gets so much attention, lol.”
Source: Pann


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