After School Kaeun’s Mom Cries While Exposing The Truth About K-Pop Idol Life

“If my daughter wants to become an idol singer again, I would never let her do it.”

In a recent interview with BBC Radio 1, Han Soo Young, After School Kaeun‘s mother, exposed the dark sides of K-pop idol life.

Kaeun is the most recent addition to After School. She debuted with the group under Pledis Entertainment in 2012 at the age of 18.


While After School as a group is currently on hiatus, Kaeun is keeping busy with DJ gigs and even had her acting debut in the IDOLM@STER.KR.

Info: DJ KaEun will be at Itaewon Hip-hop Club LUCY DREAM on Nov 21

Posted by After School Kaeun (가은) on Wednesday, November 18, 2015


And while Kaeun may like her life as an idol, her mother is certainly not a fan. Han Soo Young started off the interview by describing the draw to the idol life.

“Becoming a K-pop idol means that she would become a star, but I knew a star shines only for a short time and disappears. They think they can make money while having fun on stage, but I don’t think so.” — Han Soo Young


When asked about what she and her daughter’s life were like when Kaeun was training she stated, “She didn’t get much sleep at the time and would fall asleep by the door still wearing her bag.


Han Soo-Young also did not like the rules that were placed on her daughter by the company.

“She wasn’t allowed to be in a relationship and she was under a compulsory diet… after her debut, she was made to live with the other trainees. There was hardly any private life away from the group.” — Han Soo Young


She was also very clear on her feelings of idol life.

“If my daughter wants to become an idol singer again, I would never let her do it.” — Han Soo Young


But the thing that made Han Soo-Young break down in tears? The fans.

“The fans still send her messages like ‘We’re always with you. Don’t give up’. I’m just so thankful to them. They give us a lot of mental support.” — Han Soo Young


See the full interview below.

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