Ahn Jae Hyun Reveals His Side Of The Story And How Goo Hye Sun Broke Into His Apartment

It’s his first statement since the divorce news first broke.

Ahn Jae Hyun has personally spoken up for the first time since the news of his possible divorce with Goo Hye Sun broke out.


In his statement posted on his Instagram, he commented on his love for her, his mental hardships, and her breaking into his apartment. He began by emphasizing that their relationship started because of their love but it ultimately came to a point where they believed separation was the best option.

I loved Goo Hye Sun a lot and respected her, and we got married.

We started out liking each other, and the last 3 years of marriage was a happy time, but it was also a time that was too much for my mental capacity. We tried to improve our relationship, but it was not easy to narrow down [our differences]. So we couldn’t come to an agreement, and decided to separate. I left the house to her and the 5 pets so that she would be comfortable. After continued discussions, we agreed to a divorce on July 30.

— Ahn Jae Hyun


He claimed that she was distorting the truth and hurting everyone in the process. He also denied the claims about him contacting other women on various occasions.

By removing the details of the process of the divorce, as well as the beginning and the end, the resulting truths have been distorted and are hurting the people that are involved. I can no longer stay silent after receiving suspicions and slander last night that I contacted various women while I was drunk (in Goo Hye Sun’s statement).

I did my best for our marriage as a husband, and I’ve never done anything embarrassing. I saw that she wants to protect the family. She distorted what we agreed on after a long conversation and hurt others with it. After seeing her continually release her distorted stories, I further lost any confidence to continue on our marriage.

— Ahn Jae Hyun


He revealed his story to their financial disputes, where he claims that he paid Goo Hye Sun all of the amounts that she demanded but she still demanded more.

I paid the divorce settlement amount that was calculated by Goo Hye Sun. The amount of money she calculated for her statement included the price of her household chores and the donations she made when we were married. I decided to follow her calculations as she did it. It’s not because I wanted to find a reason to end my marriage with her, but I wanted to be a financially supportive husband to my wife I love.

However a few days later, she claimed ownership of the apartment we lived in together because she decided the amount I gave her was not enough.

Due to her additional demands, I had to take out loans and sell my house. I had no choice but to tell my agency.

— Ahn Jae Hyun


But Goo Hye Sun had broken into his apartment while they were separated. Ahn Jae Hyun claimed that she barged in by lying to the security guard and started rummaging through his phone.

On the night of August 9, while we were living apart, she lied to the security guard that she lost her key and entered my apartment with a spare key. She started going through my phone and started to record, saying ‘I’m not trespassing since I’m your wife.’ It was so sudden and frightening as I was sleeping at the time.

— Ahn Jae Hyun


He confessed that he’s been taking treatments and medicine for depression for nearly a year and a half as their marriage started turning for the worse. He explained that after everything that happened, he had to let their agency know due to their contractual agreement.

After getting married, I’ve been receiving treatment and taking anti-depression medicine for the past year and 4 months. I did my best for our marriage as a husband, and I’ve never done anything embarrassing.

I didn’t tell them so that the agency can get involved with our personal issues. I shared what was happening since I was an actor who has a contractual agreement with them.

— Ahn Jae Hyun


Lastly, he apologized to his agency, the broadcast staff, and everyone involved who were affected by their recent scandal.

I am deeply sorry to our agency, ‘My Little Old Boy’, and everyone involved in my drama who was hurt by our personal issue. I am embarrassed and only feel apologetic. And I am sorry to my wife who is hurting for sure during the recent events. But it’s hard for me to understand.

I am sincerely sorry that this all happened because I am a lacking person who couldn’t take care of his personal affairs well. I’m sorry.

— Ahn Jae Hyun


Read his full statement below:

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안재현입니다. 저의 개인사로 물의를 일으켜 너무 죄송합니다. 저는 구혜선님을 많이사랑했고 존경하며 결혼했습니다. 저희 두사람다 공인이기에 이 모든 과정이 조용히 마무리 되길 진심으로 바랬습니다. 그래서 돌발적인 공개에도 침묵하고 감수하려했습니다. 하지만 과정과 앞뒤를 없애고 단편적인 부분만 공개해 진실이 왜곡되어 주변인들이 피해를 입게된데다 어젯밤 주취중 뭇여성들과 연락을했다는 의심 및 모함까지 받은이상 더이상은 침묵하고있을수없어 이 글을 쓰게 됐습니다. 서로가 좋아서 시작한 지난 3년간의 결혼 생활이 행복하기도 했지만, 저에게는 정신적으로 버거운시간이었습니다 . 저희는 관계를 개선하기 위해 노력했지만, 사이를 좁혀가는게 좀처럼 쉽지는 않았습니다. 결국 합의점을 찾지 못한 저희는 합의하에 별거를 결정, 다섯마리 동물들과 그녀가 편하게 지낼 수 있도록 제가 집을 나오게 됐습니다. 이후 지속적인 대화 끝에 7월 30일 구혜선님과의 이혼을 합의했습니다. 저는 구혜선님이 계산하여 정한 이혼 합의금을 지급했습니다. 구혜선님이 제시한 내역서에는 가사일에 대한 일당, 결혼 당시 그녀가 기부했던 기부금 등이 포함되어 있었습니다. 저는 그 의견을 전적으로 따르기로 했습니다. 하지만 이는 결코 저에게 혼인 파탄의 귀책사유가 있어서가 아니라, 사랑했던 아내에게 경제적으로 조금이나마 보탬이 되고 싶었던 마음이었습니다. 하지만 며칠 뒤 구혜선님은 처음 합의했던 금액이 부족하다는 이유로 함께 살던 아파트의 소유권을 요구했습니다. 그 후 저도 소속사에 이혼 사실을 알렸고, 8월8일 대표님미팅이 있었고 이혼에 대한 만류, 시기등의 설득의 시간이 있었습니다. 하지만 저는 이혼에 대한 마음이 변하지않았습니다. 8월9일 밤 그녀는 별거중 제가 혼자 지내고 있던 오피스텔에 수위 아저씨께 키를 잃어버렸다고 거짓말 후 스페어 키를 받아 들어왔습니다. 저에게는 '무단침입이 아니라 와이프라 들어왔다'고 이야기하며 제 핸드폰을 뒤지며 녹취하기 시작했습니다. 당시 자고 있던 저는 이런 행동이 너무 갑작스럽고 무서웠습니다.제핸드폰 문자를 보던중 대표님이 두사람미팅후 서로 다른이야기를 한부분을 물어보셨고 (집요구한적이 없다고 했답니다. 권리도없고 요구할이유도없다고) 그에대한 답을한 문자입니다. 욕을 하지 않았습니다. 그날밤 저는 더 이상 결혼 생활을 유지하는것이 서로에게 더 상처가 되는 일이라 생각했고, 이혼에 대한 마음을 다시 한 번 굳혔습니다. 그몇일후 그녀가 바로 이혼을 원한다고 연락을 했습니다. 변호사를선임했고 합의서와 언론배포글을보내왔고 법원에 28일 신청예정이니 변호사를선임하라 했습니다. 추가로 요구하는 상황에서 대출도 받아야했고 집도 팔아야했고 저는 모든 일을 회사에 알릴 수 밖에 없었습니다. 이는 회사가 저희 개인의 일에 개입하기 위함이 아니라 계약을 하고 있는 소속 배우로서 앞으로 일어날 일들에 대한 상황을 공유하기 위함이었습니다. 저는 결혼 후 1년4개월째 정신과 치료를 받으며 우울증약을 복용하고 있습니다. 결혼 생활을 하며 남편으로 최선을 다했고, 부끄러운 짓을 한적 없었습니다. 가정을 지키고 싶다 라는 글을 보았습니다. 긴 대화 끝에 서로가 합의한 것을 왜곡해서 타인들에게 피해를 입히고 계속 본인의 왜곡된진실만 이야기하는 그녀를 보면서 더 더욱 결혼 생활을 유지할 자신이 없다는 생각만 들었습니다. 저희의 개인사 때문에 피해를 본 회사, 방송 당일 피해를 입으신 미우새 관계자 분들, 제 드라마 현장 관계자 분들께 죽을만큼 죄송하고, 면목이 없고, 사죄드리고 싶은 마음 뿐입니다. 그리고 이런일을 행하면서 상처를 분명받고있을 와이프에게 미안합니다. 하지만 이해를 하기는 힘듭니다. 다 제가 부족해서 저의 개인사를 잘 정리하지 못해서 생긴 일인 만큼 정말 진심으로 사과드립니다. 죄송합니다.

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Hello, this is Ahn Jae Hyun.

I am very sorry for causing a disturbance with my personal matters. I loved Goo Hye Sun a lot and respected her, and we got married. Both of us are public figures, and we really wanted to resolve these issues privately. So I tried to keep silent and accept the sudden reveal of the news. However, by removing the details of the process of the divorce as well as the beginning and the end, the resulting truths have been distorted and are hurting the people that are involved. I can no longer stay silent after receiving suspicions and slander last night that I contacted various women while I was drunk (in Goo Hye Sun’s statement).

We started out liking each other, and the last 3 years of marriage was a happy time, but it was also a time that was too much for my mental capacity. We tried to improve our relationship, but it was not easy to narrow down [our differences]. So we couldn’t come to an agreement, and decided to separate. I left the house to her and the 5 pets so that she would be comfortable. After continued discussions, we agreed to a divorce on July 30.

I paid the divorce settlement amount that was calculated by Goo Hye Sun. The amount of money she calculated for her statement included the price of her household chores and the donations she made when we were married. I decided to follow her calculations as she did it. It’s not because I wanted to find a reason to end my marriage with her, but I wanted to be a financially supportive husband to my wife who I loved. However a few days later, she claimed ownership of the apartment we lived in together because she decided the amount I gave her was not enough.

After that, I let my agency know about the divorce, and on August 8, I had a meeting with the CEO, where she tried to dissuade me from the divorce and to be wary about the timing of things.

I have not changed my mind about the divorce. On the night of August 9, while we were living apart, she lied to the security guard that she lost her key and entered my apartment with a spare key. She started going through my phone and started to record, saying ‘I’m not trespassing since I’m your wife.’ It was so sudden and frightening as I was sleeping at the time. After looking at my texts, the CEO asked if my story would be different than hers. I only responded to her texts. I did not swear at her.

That night, I thought it would be more harmful to both of us if we stay married, and once again, it strengthened my resolved to get a divorce.

A few days later, she contacted me saying that she wanted a divorce. She hired a lawyer and sent over an agreement document and the press release. She told me that she planned on submitting it to court on the 28th, so I should hire a lawyer. Due to her additional demands, I had to take out loans and sell my house. I had no choice but to tell my agency. I didn’t tell them so that the agency can get involved with our personal issues. I shared what was happening since I was an actor who has a contractual agreement with them.

After getting married, I’ve been receiving treatment and taking anti-depression medicine for the past year and 4 months. I did my best for our marriage as a husband, and I’ve never done anything embarrassing. I saw that she wants to protect the family. She distorted what we agreed on after a long conversation and hurt others with it. After seeing her continually release her distorted stories, I further lost any confidence to continue on our marriage.

I am deeply sorry to our agency, ‘My Little Old Boy’, and everyone involved in my drama who was hurt by our personal issue. I am embarrassed and only feel apologetic. And I am sorry to my wife who is hurting for sure during the recent events. But it’s hard for me to understand. I am sincerely sorry that this all happened because I am a lacking person who couldn’t take care of his personal affairs well. I’m sorry.

— Ahn Jae Hyun

Goo Hye Sun And Ahn Jae Hyun's Divorce

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