Popular Celebrity’s Controversial Ex-Husband Threatens To Expose Her

“The way you play victim is disgusting…”

Heart Signal contestant Seo Ju Won threatened to expose his ex-wife Aori.

Aori (left) and Seo Ju Won (right) | Naver

On August 21, Seo Ju Won uploaded a story to his Instagram. In his story, Seo Ju Won seemingly attacks his ex-wife Aori for talking about him to the media.

How much longer are you going to talk about me? The way you play victim is disgusting. The lawsuit is over and you lost, now stop. I also have a lot to expose.

— Seo Ju Won

Previously, Aori went on a popular YouTube show where she spoke about the harship from her divorce. The influencer made headlines when she exposed Seo Ju Won’s infidelity and subsequent divorce proceedings.

YouTuber Aori Shares The Video Of Her Ex-Husband And “Mistress” Cuddling

You can watch Aori’s full appearance in the linke below.

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